Military Recruiter Information

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 requires that individuals have the opportunity to complete a voter registration form or update their voter registration information when applying for, receiving services, or assistance at any office designated as a voter registration agency which includes all Recruiting Offices of the Armed Forces. All personnel assigned to duty at Recruiting Offices for the Armed Forces shall be trained as Voting Assistance Officers and capable of providing these services or assistance.

Recruiting Officers and Senior persons at Recruiting Offices Must

  • Offer the Voter Registration Information Form (DD 2645) and a National Mail Voter Registration Form and Guide to anyone receiving services/assistance. The National Mail Voter Registration Form allows citizens to:
    • Register to vote in their state,
    • Report a change of name to their election official,
    • Report a change of address to their election official, and
    • Register with a political party.
  • Assist prospective enlistees and eligible citizens in completing applications.
  • Accept completed voter registration forms and send them to the appropriate election official by the state deadline. Forms are not to be sent to the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP).
  • Provide to each eligible citizen or prospective enlistee, who does not decline to register to vote, the same degree of assistance for the completion of the registration application form as is provided by the office for the completion of its own forms; i.e., application for enlistment, unless the person refuses such assistance.
  • Use our Recruiter Registration Summary to maintain statistical information on voter registration assistance.
  • Maintain records pertaining to voter registration assistance or activities for a minimum of two years, specifically retention of the DD 2645.

Recruiting Officers Must NOT

  • Seek to influence an applicant's political preference or party registration.
  • Display any political preference or party allegiance.
  • Make any statement to an applicant or take any action in order to discourage the applicant from registering to vote.
  • Make any statement to an applicant or take any action in order to lead the applicant to believe that a decision to register or not to register has any bearing on the availability of services or benefits.
  • Use information relating to a declination to register to vote in connection with an application made at your office for any purpose other than voter registration.

The Forms You Need

Any U.S. citizen who wishes to apply for voter registration or apply to change their voter registration data while at an Armed Forces Recruiting Office will be asked to fill out two forms:

North Dakota and Wyoming are exempt from implementing the provisions of the NVRA. New Hampshire is also exempt but will accept DD 2645 and Voter Registration Applications at Recruiting Offices.

Recruiters should contact their Headquarters directly for answers to other general questions.

Available Training