ATUS Papers and Publications

By BLS-Affiliated Authors or Appearing in BLS Publications

By Authors and in Publications Not Affiliated with BLS

Monthly Labor Review Articles

  • Adding eldercare questions to the American Time Use Survey (Summary) (PDF) (956K)
    Stephanie Denton November (2012)

  • The overestimated workweek revisited (Summary) (PDF) (2.8M)
    John P. Robinson, Steven Martin, Ignace Glorieux, and Joeri Minnen (June 2011)

  • Bringing work home: implications for BLS productivity measures (Summary) (PDF) (1.4M)
    Lucy P. Eldridge and Sabrina Wulff (December 2010)

  • Time-use surveys: issues in data collection on multitasking (Excerpt) (PDF) (1.8M)
    Robert Drago and Jay Stewart (August 2010)

  • The parenting of infants: a time-use study (PDF) (200K)
    Robert Drago (October 2009)

  • Measuring time spent in upaid household work: results from the American Time Use Survey (Excerpt) (PDF) (227K)
    Rachel Krantz-Kent (July 2009)

  • How high school students use time: a visual essay (Excerpt) (PDF) (143K)
    Mary Dorinda Allard (November 2008)

  • Time use of working parents: a visual essay (Excerpt) (PDF) (169K)
    Mary Dorinda Allard and Marianne Janes (June 2008)

  • Teachers’ work patterns: when, where, and how much do U.S. teachers work? (Excerpt) (PDF) (242K)
    Rachel Krantz-Kent (March 2008)

  • How do older Americans spend their time? (Abstract) (PDF) (677K)
    Rachel Krantz-Kent and Jay Stewart (May 2007)

  • Comparing childcare measures in the ATUS and earlier time diary studies (Abstract) (PDF) (284K)
    Mary Dorinda Allard, Suzanne Bianchi, Jay Stewart, and Vanessa R. Wight (May 2007)

  • Teen time use and parental education: evidence from the CPS, MTF, and ATUS (Abstract) (PDF) (419K)
    Shirley L. Porterfield and Anne E. Winkler (May 2007)

  • Variations in time use at stages of the life cycle (Excerpt) (PDF) (59K)
    Rachel Krantz-Kent (September 2005)

  • Developing the American Time Use Survey activity classification system (Abstract) (PDF) (65K)
    Kristina Shelley (June 2005)

  • What can time-use data tell us about hours of work? (Abstract) (PDF) (89K)
    Harley Frazis and Jay Stewart (December 2004)

  • Planning, designing, and executing the BLS American Time-Use Survey (Abstract) (PDF) (98K)
    Michael Horrigan and Diane Herz (October 2004)

  • Measuring intrahousehold allocation of time: response to Anne E. Winkler (Abstract) (PDF) (53K)
    Lisa K. Schwartz, Diane Herz, and Harley Frazis (February 2002)

  • Measuring time use in households with more than one person (Abstract) (PDF) (140K)
    Anne E. Winkler (February 2002)

  • The American Time Use Survey: cognitive pretesting (Abstract) (PDF) (86K)
    Lisa K. Schwartz (February 2002)

  • What can we learn from time use data? (Abstract) (PDF) (22K)
    Mary Joyce and Jay Stewart (August 1999)

  • Measuring how people spend their time: a time-use survey design (Abstract) (PDF) (70K)
    Linda L. Stinson (August 1999)

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Other Published Articles

  • How to Think about Time-Use Data: What Inferences Can We Make about Long- and Short-Run Time Use from Time Diaries?
    Harley Frazis and Jay Stewart. Annals of Economics and Statistics. Number 105/106, January/June 2012.

  • Exercise, Eating Patterns, and Obesity: Evidence from the ATUS and Its Eating & Health Module
    Marianne Reifschneider, Karen Hamrick, and Jill Lacey. Social Indicators Research. Volume 101, No. 2/April 2011.

  • How does household production affect measured income inequality?
    Harley Frazis and Jay Stewart. Journal of Population Economics. Volume 24, No. 1/January 2011.

  • Examining the Relationship Between Nonresponse Propensity and Data Quality in Two National Household Surveys
    Scott Fricker and Roger Tourangeau. Public Opinion Quarterly. Volume 74, No. 5/December 2010.

  • The Timing of Maternal Work and Time with Children
    Jay Stewart. Industrial & Labor Relations Review. Volume 64, No.1/October 2010.

  • Are Those Who Bring Work Home Really Working Longer Hours? Implications for BLS Productivity Measures
    Lucy P. Eldridge and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia. Source OECD Statistics Sources and Methods. Volume 2008, No. 5/April 2009.

  • Twenty-four hours: An Overview of the Recall Diary Method and Data Quality in the American Time Use Survey (PDF)
    Polly A. Phipps and Margaret K. Vernon. In Calendar and Time Diary: Methods in Life Course Research, edited by Robert F. Belli, Frank P. Stafford, and Duane F. Alwin, 2009.

  • Day, Evening, and Night Workers: A Comparison of What They Do in Their Nonwork Hours and With Whom They Interact
    Anne Polivka. In How Do We Spend Our Time: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey, Jean Kimmel, ed. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, July 2008.

  • The Time Use of Nonworking Men
    Jay Stewart. In How Do We Spend Our Time: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey, Jean Kimmel, ed. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, July 2008.

  • Where Does the Time Go? Concepts and Measurement in the American Time Use Survey
    Harley Frazis and Jay Stewart. In Hard to Measure Goods and Services: Essays in Memory of Zvi Griliches. University of Chicago Press, October 2007.

  • Assessing Alternative Dissimilarity Indexes for Comparing Activity Profiles (PDF) (1.0M)
    Jay Stewart. Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research. Volume 3, No. 1/August 2006.

  • Time Use as a Way of Examining Contexts of Adolescent Development in the United States
    Margaret K. Vernon. Society and Leisure. Volume 28, No. 2/2006.

  • How Much Time Do Americans Spend Preparing and Eating Food? (HTML)
    Karen Hamrick and Kristina J. Shelley. Amber Waves: The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America. Volume 3, No. 5/November 2005.

  • Data Watch: The American Time Use Survey
    Daniel S. Hamermesh, Harley Frazis, and Jay Stewart. Journal of Economic Perspectives. Volume 19, No. 1/Winter 2005.

  • How Americans Spend Their Time: A First Look at the New American Time Use Survey
    Mary Dorinda Allard. Chance. Volume 18, No. 1/Winter 2005.

  • Assessing the Bias Associated with Alternative Contact Strategies in Telephone Time-Use Surveys
    Jay Stewart. Survey Methodology. Volume 28, No. 2/December 2002.

  • The American Time-Use Survey
    Diane Herz and Richard M. Devens, Jr. Industrial Relations. Volume 40, No. 3/July 2001.

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Working Papers

  • Cyclical Variation in Labor Hours and Productivity Using the ATUS
    Michael C. Burda, Daniel S. Hamermesh, and Jay Stewart (December 2012)

  • What Effects do Macroeconomic Conditions Have on Families' Time Together? (PDF) (413K)
    Melinda Sandler Morrill and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (April 2012)

  • Secondary Activities in the 2006 American Time Use Survey (PDF) (145K)
    Robert Drago (February 2011)

  • How to Think About Time-Use Data: What Inferences Can We Make About Long- and Short-Run Time Use from Time Diaries? (PDF) (351K)
    Harley Frazis and Jay Stewart (November 2010)

  • Tobit or not Tobit? (Abstract)
    Jay Stewart (November 2009)

  • Time to Work or Time to Play: The Effect of Student Employment on Homework, Housework, Screen Time, and Sleep (Abstract)
    Charlene Marie Kalenkoski and Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia (March 2009)

  • Volunteered vs. Requested Approaches to Secondary Activity Reports in Time Use Surveys: A Comparison of the 2006 ATUS and the 1998-1999 FISCT
    Robert Drago and Jay Stewart (December 2008)

  • How Does Employment Affect the Timing of Time with Children? (Abstract)
    Jay Stewart and Mary Dorinda Allard (May 2008)

  • Pre-testing Sensitive Questions: Perceived Sensitivity, Comprehension, and Order Effects of Questions about Income and Weight (PDF) (124K)
    Margaret K. Vernon (2005)

  • Nonresponse bias in the American Time Use Survey (PDF) (87K)
    Grace O’Neill and John Dixon (2005)

  • Response Analysis Survey: A Qualitative look at Response and Nonresponse in the American Time Use Survey (PDF) (140K)
    Grace O'Neill and Jessica Sincavage (2004)

  • Reporting Absences from Home: Results of Cognitive Testing of the American Time Use Survey's Missed Days Summary Question (PDF) (375K)
    Scott Fricker and Lisa K. Schwartz (August 2001)

  • What's Work? Respondents' Interpretations of Work-Related Summary Questions (PDF) (452K)
    Lisa K. Schwartz, Siri Lynn, and Jayme Gortman (July 2001)

  • Minding the Children: Understanding How Recall and Conceptual Interpretations Influence Responses to a Time-Use Summary Question (PDF) (459K)
    Lisa K. Schwartz (February 2001)

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Issues in Labor Statistics Papers

  • Where people worked, 2003 to 2007 (PDF)
    Rachel Krantz-Kent (June 2009)

  • Work-at-home patterns by occupation (PDF)
    Mary Dorinda Allard and Jill Lacey (March 2009)

  • Workdays for people in healthcare occupations (PDF)
    Mary Dorinda Allard and Jill Lacey (September 2008)

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Last Modified Date: December 10, 2012