Statement by the United States at the Universal Periodic Review of Belarus

As delivered by Ambassador Andrew Bremberg
November 2, 2020

The United States recommends that Belarus:

  1. Immediately cease its brutal crackdown against the Belarusian people, including threats to use lethal force against peaceful protesters and employment of severe abuses against detainees, and hold those responsible accountable.
  2. Immediately release all political prisoners and those detained for participation in election-related protests, and demonstrate a commitment to its international human rights obligations.
  3. Engage in a genuine dialogue facilitated by the OSCE Chair-in-Office with the voices of Belarusian civil society, including women leading the protests, to determine a democratic path forward in allowing the Belarusian people to determine their future.

Belarus’s August 9 presidential elections were fraudulent, and we are deeply concerned by the ongoing use of violence, intimidation, and repression against the Belarusian people.  We call upon the Belarusian authorities to demonstrate restraint and engage in a genuine dialogue with Belarusian civil society.