Environmental Restoration

Groundwater Plume Treatment – Design and decision tools for treatment systems and monitoring and optimization of existing treatment that allow users to assess costs, duration for various hydrogeologic settings are available.  

Perchlorate – A decade of intensive research, development, and technology demonstrations has led to treatment approaches that are now being implemented in the field. SERDP and ESTCP have developed numerous tools to manage the environmental impact of perchlorate.  

DNAPL Source Zones – SERDP and ESTCP tools enable site managers to characterize the size and longevity of the contaminated plume, apply cost-effective remediation and monitoring techniques, and predict the duration of site remediation.  

Contaminated Sediments – Tools are available to measure chemical, biological, and physical parameters relevant to managing contaminated sediments, and to assess in situ management approaches.  

Monitoring and Characterization – As the number of sites in the active remediation and post-remediation stages increases, new approaches are available to address the monitoring requirements for process control, performance assessment, and compliance purposes.

Range Contaminants – Concern over the release of munitions constituents (MC) on ranges and the potential for off-site migration endangers the long-term sustainability of ranges. SERDP and ESTCP have developed novel approaches to characterize, monitor, and contain this contamination.

Risk Assessment – SERDP and ESTCP efforts are focused on improving the military’s ability to assess and predict human and ecological risk and provide effective tools and science that enable DoD to manage contaminated sites using a risk-based approach.

Vapor Intrusion – Migration of vapors from contaminated groundwater plumes into surface and sub-surface structures is a growing concern and the driver for many corrective action plans and site cleanups. Tools for assessing this pathway are now becoming available.

Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC)
SERDP and ESTCP working in collaboration with ITRC have developed extensive tools and training to facilitate environmental restoration.

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