Conflict Management & Prevention

The Office of Conflict Management and Prevention’s (OCMP) mission is to grow and support FMCS capacity for full spectrum conflict management work that primarily falls under the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Act and the Negotiated Rule Making Act. Our OCMP Commissioners are continuously growing as full-spectrum conflict management professionals and being responsive to changing environments and needs. We support FMCS commissioners, managers, leaders, and HQ personnel, as well as building and maintaining external client relationships and inter-agency agreements. We are building on our current work with federal agencies and we are expanding the environments we operate in to include regulatory, environmental, judicial, commercial, enforcement, international, employment, industrial and other areas within our statutory authority and/or partnering with other agencies to provide assistance or support. OCMP is building capacity for powerful engagements.

OCMP Practice Areas

• Conflict assessment, organizational assessment
• Facilitation (small, medium large, multi-party and facilitated dialogues)
• Design and deliver training on the following topics (partial list): Negotiation, mediation resiliency, conflict coaching, leadership development, emotional intelligence, breakthrough conversations, and more
• Coaching and appreciative inquiry skills
• Dispute system design
• Ombuds functions
• Organizational change and development
• Leadership alignment and development
• Strategic planning

Office of Conflict Management & Prevention email:
Office of Conflict Management & Prevention phone: 202-606-2222