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Foreign and International Legal Research Guides – Pic of the Week


The Law Library's Foreign and International Law page for legal research guides has been updated.

The Law Library’s Foreign and International Law page for legal research guides has been updated.

Happy Friday!  We’ve updated the links of our legal research guides for fourteen foreign jurisdictions.  These research guides provide a one-stop primer on the legal systems of foreign countries by providing links to reference sources, compilations, citations guides, periodicals (indexes and databases), dictionaries, web resources, free public web sites, subscription-based services, subject-specific web sites, and country overviews. 

The jurisdictions that have been updated are Australia; Brazil; United Kingdom; China; Egypt; Eritrea; France; Hong Kong; India; Israel; Japan; Lebanon; Russia; and Sweden.

Jim Mangiafico and Garrett Schure Announced as Winners of the Second Library of Congress Legislative Data Challenge

After months of hard work, we are pleased to announce Jim Mangiafico and Garrett Schure as the winners of the Library of Congress Second Legislative Data Challenge, Legislative XML Data Mapping. As you may remember, we launched this challenge last fall with the goal of advancing the development of international exchange standards for legislative data and […]

Advanced Search, Browse, and Appropriations Tables Added to Congress.gov

There are some great new features and improvements now available on Congress.gov.  Our team from across the Library of Congress has worked hard to have the first version of both Advanced Search and Browse in this release.  I’m also happy to announce that another requested page from THOMAS has now made it over to Congress.gov, the Appropriations Table. As […]

Perspectives on Egypt’s 2014 Constitution

The following is a guest post by George Sadek, Senior Legal Research Analyst at the Law Library of Congress. Last month, a new Egyptian Constitution was approved in a popular referendum held on January 14-15.  The Head of the Supreme National Electoral Commission, Chief Justice Nabil Saleeb, announced the results of the referendum on January […]

Law Library to Host Former U.S. Representative Patricia Schroeder in Honor of Women’s History Month

The  National Women’s History Project has chosen “Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment” as the 2014 theme for  National Women’s History Month in order to honor the extraordinary determination and tenacity of women. In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, the Law Library of Congress will welcome former Representative Patricia Schroeder […]

Love and the Law

Since our post on Christmas Movies and the Law was so successful, we decided to try our hand at a post about movies, love, and the law in celebration of Valentine’s Day.  As with our Christmas post, we found some of our colleagues were cynics, but although they may have a jaundiced eye regarding love they […]