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Number: DOO 35-1B
Effective Date: 2008-02-29

Org Chart Available


.01 This Order prescribes the organization and assignment of functions within the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).

.02 This revision: retitles the International Investment Division to the Direct Investment Division and transfers the research function and responsibility for conducting and compiling surveys of international services transactions to the Balance of Payments Division; retitles and transfers the position of Chief, International Investment Division to Chief, Balance of Payments Division; eliminates the Industry Economics Division and establishes the Industry Benchmark Division and the Current Industry Analysis Division, reporting directly to the Associate Director for Industry Accounts; abolishes the position and assigns the units formerly reporting to the Associate Director for Management and Chief Administrative Officer to the Deputy Director of BEA; combines the Office of Property Management and Support Services and the Administrative Office to form the Administrative Office; combines the Public Information Office and the Current Business Analysis Division to form the Communications Office, reporting directly to the Deputy Director of BEA; and adds four existing offices, reporting to the Chief Information Officer, to the organization chart.


The principal organizational structure and line of authority shall be as depicted in the attached organization chart (Exhibit 1).


.01 The Director shall manage BEA, including the development of policies and plans, and direction of day-to-day operations.

.02 The Deputy Director participates fully with the Director of the Bureau in the development and implementation of the policies and programs and in the direction of the Bureau, and performs the duties of the Director during the latter’s absence or in the event of a vacancy in that office. These activities include formulating the strategies, policies and plans of the Bureau and directing its activities in the areas of economic accounts; statistical methods, standards and research; strategic planning; information technology (IT); and consultation on, and representation of, the Bureau’s programs.

The Deputy Director also acts as the Bureau’s Chief Operating Officer for Administration and Management. In this role, the Deputy Director shall direct the following units:

a. The Communications Office shall prepare, develop and analyze BEA’s communications strategy, public information program, news releases, outreach activities, publications, and website.

b. The Administrative Office shall be responsible for the development of draft budgets, budget execution, performance goals and assessment, financial management, physical and personnel security, human resource management, procurement, contracting, administrative services, and customer service.

.03 Staff Elements.

a. The Chief Statistician shall oversee the development and improvement of mathematical and statistical techniques and assure improvement and integration of the source data used in the production and analysis of BEA’s national income and product, balance of payments, and related accounts; perform critical appraisals of the statistical and economic studies of BEA; conduct independent research that explores and exploits all applicable statistical methods for BEA’s use; and serve as a key technical adviser on statistical activities to the Director for BEA and, in this capacity, serve as chief auditor of all statistical operations.

b. The Chief Economist shall plan and develop BEA’s research program and the new concepts and methods to be implemented in the Office of the Chief Statistician and the Associate Directors for National, International, Industry and Regional Accounts; advise the Director with regard to major conceptual and theoretical developments in economic accounting; and serve as BEA’s liaison to the academic and research community.


The Associate Director for National Economic Accounts shall plan and coordinate the systems of national economic accounts maintained by BEA that focus on income, expenditure, and wealth estimates, including the national income and product accounts, and advise the Director in this field. The Associate Director shall direct the following units:

.01 The Government Division shall prepare, develop, and analyze the Federal, State, and local government accounts of the United States within the economic accounting framework, including estimates of national defense purchases of goods and services; cooperate in the translation of the Federal budget into economic accounting terms for publication in the Budget of the United States and the Economic Report of the President; and conduct research in the quantitative study of public finance.

.02 The National Income and Wealth Division shall prepare, develop, and analyze the national income and product, and the wealth accounts of the United States, including estimates of gross domestic product and income by type, personal income and its disposition, the sources and uses of saving, and national wealth by type of asset and ownership; and conduct research in the techniques required to analyze the national income and product, and wealth accounts.


The Associate Director for Industry Accounts shall plan and coordinate the systems of national economic accounts maintained by BEA that focus on industry estimates, including the input- output accounts, and the gross domestic product by industry accounts, and advise the Director in this field. The Office of the Associate Director shall also develop and prepare satellite accounts that are designed to expand the analytical capacity of the national income and product accounts and the industry accounts by focusing on a particular aspect of the industry(ies) of the economy, and analyzing its role in the economy. The Associate Director shall direct the following units:

.01 The Industry Benchmark Division shall prepare, develop, and analyze the benchmark input-output accounts of the United States that are produced every five years for comprehensive revisions of the national income and product accounts. At the detailed level, the accounts show the flow of goods and services to and from each industry and to final markets and the income originating from them. The Industry Benchmark Division shall also conduct research in input-output techniques and prepare special industry studies.

.02 The Current Industry Analysis Division shall prepare, develop, and analyze a time series of accounts that show integrated information on the inputs and outputs of the Nation’s industries and the income originating from them. These accounts show detailed data on industry production and structural changes in the economy. The Current Industry Analysis Division shall also conduct research on input-output and time-series techniques and prepare special industry studies.


The Associate Director for Regional Economics shall plan and coordinate the regional economic measurement and analysis programs of BEA and advise the Director in this field. The Associate Director shall direct the following units:

.01 The Regional Economic Analysis Division shall prepare, develop, and analyze estimates of gross state product; conduct research in regional economics, with special attention to the factors determining the levels and rates of growth of regional economies; conduct special analyses of regional economies in cooperation with government agencies and private groups; and provide regional multipliers.

.02 The Regional Economic Measurement Division shall prepare, develop, and analyze estimates of personal income by type of income and industrial source for each of the States, metropolitan areas, and counties of the Nation; conduct research in regional economic measurement techniques; and maintain a regional economic information system.


The Associate Director for International Economics shall plan and coordinate the international economics program of BEA and advise the Director in this field. The Associate Director shall direct the following units:

.01 The Balance of Payments Division shall prepare, develop, and analyze the balance of payments accounts of the United States, including detail by foreign geographic area; conduct surveys to obtain data to construct the balance of payments accounts, including surveys of foreign transactions of Government agencies; conduct and compile surveys of international services transactions; conduct research in the techniques required to interpret the balance of payments accounts, and prepare and analyze the international investment position of the United States.

.02 The Direct Investment Division shall prepare, develop, and analyze data on U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States, and support the IT systems used throughout the International Economics Directorate. This requires designing and processing surveys; verifying the accuracy of survey data; performing research to keep mailing lists up to date; creating universe estimates from sample data; producing output tables; and performing suppression analysis. It also requires managing the IT systems that hold data used throughout the international economic accounts.


The Chief Information Officer (CIO) shall plan and coordinate the IT program for BEA and advise the Director in this field consistent with existing Federal and Departmental policies and guidelines. Additional areas of CIO responsibility include capital planning and investment analysis under the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (40 U.S.C. 11312-11315) and for IT security under the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. 3506, 3544(a)(3). The CIO represents BEA on IT matters with the Department, other agencies, and private organizations. The CIO provides IT management oversight to all IT personnel within BEA. The CIO shall direct the following units:

a. The Office of Network and Telecommunications shall procure, maintain, coordinate, and monitor the operation of BEA’s IT infrastructure resources, including the local area network and the voice and data external interfaces.

b. The Office of Applications Development shall develop and maintain computer systems and programs in support of BEA’s objectives. The office shall also develop and promote BEA standards and “best practices” in software development.

c. The Office of Customer Support and Security shall provide training and documentation in IT. The office shall also provide IT Help Desk services for BEA employees and develop IT security policies.

d. The Office of Desktop Support shall provide workstation hardware and software support to Bureau personnel. The office shall develop and implement standard workstation configurations.


This Order supersedes Department Organization Order 35 -1B dated, December 7, 2001.

Signed by: Director, Bureau of Economic Analysis; Under Secretary for Economic Affairs

Approved by: Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration

Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

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Page last updated:February 18, 2010