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Number: DOO 20-3
Effective Date: 2011-01-07


.01 This Order prescribes the functions and organization of the Office of Budget.  (The Director for Budget is authorized in DOO 10-5.)

.02 This revision changes the reporting line of authority for the Director. 


The Director for Budget shall report and be responsible to the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration (the Assistant Secretary) and to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Resource Management (the Deputy Assistant Secretary) and shall serve as the Department's Budget Officer.


Pursuant to the authority vested in DOO 10-5 and subject to such policies and directives as the Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary may prescribe, the Director shall: 

a.  Have Department-wide staff responsibility for all matters relating to budget formulation, presentation, justification, and execution, including the development of multi-year budget/program plans and the analysis, monitoring, and reporting of fiscal and program status and capital budgeting.

b. Serve as the Department's principal contact for budget and related matters with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Budget and Appropriations Committees of the Congress, and other government agencies.  Operating units of the Department shall work through the Office for all contacts with OMB, Congressional Committees, and members of Congress and their staff.

c. Administer and control the personnel ceilings allocated to the Department by OMB.

d.Administer and control the apportionment and reapportionment process.

e. Direct and manage Department-wide activities under the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), including preparing the Department's Strategic Plan, and coordinating stakeholder and Congressional consultation; advising bureaus on the development and use of performance measures; and preparing Annual Performance Plans and Reports.

f. Administer and control the Department's performance tracking system. 


Under the direction and supervision of the Director, the Office shall serve as advisor to and the representative of the Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary for matters regarding budget planning and management, including budget formulation, analysis, reporting of fiscal and program status, and development and management of the Department's budget and planning systems under the GPRA.  The Director shall also: 

a. Serve as the advisor to other Department officials on these matters.

b. Have Department-wide staff responsibility for all matters relating to budget formulation, presentation, justification and execution, including the development of multi-year budget/ program plans and the analysis, monitoring and reporting of fiscal and program status, and capital budgeting and program monitoring.

c. Serve as the Department's principal contact for budget and related matters with the OMB, the Budget and Appropriations Committees of the Congress, and other government agencies.

d. Serve as the Department's principal contact for operating units with OMB, Congressional Committees and members of Congress or their staff.

e. Administer and control the apportionment and reapportionment process and the personnel ceilings allocated to the Department by OMB.

f.  Analyze programmatic and related policy issues, and identify responses regarding those issues; and develop action recommendations for the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, and the Deputy Assistant Secretary, and other Department-level officials.

g. Provide support for development of the Department's Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report as required by the GPRA.


This Order supersedes Department Organization Order 20-3, dated January 14, 1999.

Signed by: Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration

Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

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Page last updated: April 1, 2011