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Number: DAO 217-11
Effective Date: 2004-07-19


.01 The purpose of this order is to establish policy and procedures for the use of all public areas of the Herbert C. Hoover Building (HCHB) for approved exhibits. This order is in addition to any applicable regulations, including 41 Code of Federal Regulations 102-74, Subpart D, Occasional Use of Public Buildings.

.02 This revision provides a general update of DAO 217-11, "Exhibits " Main Commerce Building Lobby," and it retitles the Order to "Exhibits " Herbert C. Hoover Building."


The lobby of the HCHB may be made available to Government agencies, business and industry, and other organizations, whose functions are closely related to the work of the Department, to place exhibit material approved by the Department.


Government agencies or organizations wishing to sponsor an exhibit must contact the Director for Administrative Services for permission. The letter requesting permission should state the sponsoring organization, the nature of the exhibit, the purpose of the exhibit, dates the exhibit will be displayed, and describe the exhibit in as much detail as possible.


.01 Exhibits are limited to approximately eight feet in height, physically self-supporting, and must be erected without damage to the building.

.02 The sale of merchandise, solicitation of orders, or material designed to solicit business for a particular company product, rather than an industry, is prohibited.

.03 There shall be no fee, direct or indirect, assessment or collection in connection with admission to exhibits.

.04 Safety and fire regulations must be strictly observed.

.05 Permission for the broadcasting or the use of sound effects must be requested in advance and when permitted, must be conducted in a moderate tone.

.06 The Department reserves the right to prohibit any exhibit, literature, sign, or commodity which it considers objectionable, or which does not meet established criteria.

.07 Exhibits are limited to a one week duration, unless a longer time period is approved by the Director for Administrative Services.

.08 Use of public areas of the HCHB must conform to the requirements of DAO 206-5, "Occasional Use of Public Areas in Public Buildings," related license provisions, and all applicable regulations.

.09 The exhibitor is responsible for moving the material into the building, setting it up, and dismantling it upon completion of the exhibit. The exhibitor must arrange for any necessary storage of packing crates, brochures, etc., during the exhibit period. All cartons, crates, etc., must be removed from the building promptly after the closing date.

.10 The U.S. Department of Commerce is not responsible for loss or damage to exhibits.


This Order supersedes Department Administrative Order 217-11, dated October 4, 1966.

Signed by: Director for Administrative Services

Approved by: Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration

Office of Primary Interest: Office of Administrative Services

Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

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Page last updated:February 16, 2010