Being Well-informed: Training

This is a guest post by Judy Graves, Digital Projects Coordinator, Digital Reference Section and instructor, Introducing, the monthly webinar series and Pamela Barnes Craig, Instruction/Reference Librarian. “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government. . . .” Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, Jan. 8, 1789 Believing wholeheartedly that …

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A Interview with Barry Priest, Web DevAdmin

This week’s interview is with Barry Priest, Web DevAdmin.  This is the third in the new series of interviews that focus on Library of Congress staff who contributed to Describe your background. My degree is in Theater Design and Technology from Purdue University. That program allowed me the flexibility to pursue interests in CAD/3D rendering, computer science …

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A Interview with Rich Larson, Information Technology Specialist

This week’s interview is with Rich Larson, an Information Technology Specialist within Information Technology Services (ITS).  This is the second in the new series of interviews that focus on Library of Congress staff who contributed to  The first interview was with Meg. Describe your background. I am from Takoma Park, MD.  I went to Macalester College in St. …

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The Law Library of Congress at the National Book Festival

As we did with AALL, we decided to collect feedback from Law Library staff about their participation in this year’s National Book Festival (NBF).  As I noted in last week’s post, this is the Law Library’s second year for participating in the National Book Festival and here is what some of the Law Library participants had to …

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Furious Tweeting – Pic of the Week

The following is a guest post by Donna Sokol, Special Assistant to the Law Librarian of Congress.  Her most recent posts included a 6-installment series regarding the legal themes in the art and architecture of the Library of Congress’s Jefferson Building. Three of our law librarians were furiously live-tweeting at Wednesday’s launch.  Thirty fingers …

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Today’s post is one that I have been very excited to write for some time now.  My favorite posts involve talking about tweaking, tweeting, revamping, or updating  Today marks the launch of the biggest project that I have been a part of in my professional career.  Today is the launch of, a new …

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The Impact of Russian Laws on US-Russia Economic Relations

The following is a guest post by Peter Roudik, Director of Legal Research at the Law Library of Congress.  In addition to his administrative duties, Peter provides jurisdictional coverage for Russia and other former Soviet republics and explains legal developments in these countries to the Law Library’s patrons.  Russia is currently the subject of discussion …

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