1. EOSDIS Update—Summer 2019 Quarterly Newsletter is now online!

EOSDIS Update—Summer 2019 Quarterly Newsletter is now online!

Find EOSDIS data set and data tool news, top stories, featured data images, webinars, data toolkits, data pathfinders, data recipes, and data user profiles.

EOSDIS Quarterly Update- Summer 2019 Newsletter Cover ImageFrom the first public release of ICESat-2 data to the work of summer interns supporting NASA’s Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project Office and Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs), a lot has happened over the past three months. Along with feature articles about ICESat-2 data and summer interns, you’ll read about how NASA tracks wildfires in near real-time and how the ESDIS Project continues to prepare for getting NASA’s Earth science data into the cloud. You’ll also read about how scientists are researchers are using NASA Earth science data in three Data User Profiles; how to work with data using Data Recipes, Data Toolkits, and Data Pathfinders; and read about new data products from ongoing Earth observing missions. Plus, you’ll find links to webinars and numerous images from NASA’s EOSDIS collection.

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Page Last Updated: Mar 3, 2020 at 1:30 PM EST