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Photo by lakeside showing algae clogging a lagoon.

Algae clogs a lagoon in Toluca Valley, Mexico. Factories and homes that deplete the valley’s aquifers dump their wastewater here. (Courtesy P. Castellazzi). From Closed season.

Counting Trees in Africa's Drylands
Using commercial satellite data and machine learning, scientists discovered a surprisingly large number of trees in Africa's drylands. (November 19, 2020)

Commercial Satellites Shed Light on Small-Scale Agriculture
Researchers are using commercial, high-resolution imagery to map small-scale agriculture in Africa and Asia. (October 22, 2020)

NASA Earthdata Made Easy
Seeing through the clouds with Synthetic Aperture Radar. (October 21, 2020)

The Pangeo Project: Developing Community Tools For a New Era of Data Analysis
Pangeo is helping the Earth science community analyze data in the cloud with an ecosystem of collaborative, open-source tools.  (October 5, 2020)

Feature Articles

Read the stories behind the data in these articles highlighting research activities from around the world and spanning the breadth of NASA Earth science.

Tools and Technology Articles

Find up-to-date news and information about NASA’s data tools and technology. Articles cover technology informatics, data and tools in action, and topics in standards and interoperability.

Data User Profiles

Meet some of the members of our diverse end-user community who are using data for research and applications around the world.


EOSDIS Update is a quarterly newsletter featuring data set and data tool news, top stories, featured data images and data user profiles.

Page Last Updated: Nov 23, 2020 at 4:02 PM EST