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STAR Training and Education

STAR has the mandate to improve the use of satellite observations. One factor that limits the utility of satellite observations in weather forecasting and other areas is that users lack the knowledge on how to use these observations. Training and education are necessary to ensure that the forecasters understand how to use the data in the best way. Given the huge amount of new satellite information that will become available in the next decade (especially by the next generation of satellites, JPSS and GOES-R), education and training programs must accelerate, in order that new satellite products are easily understood and accepted as they become available. STAR provides education and training to users in two ways:

Although the VISIT program has been highly successful, the agency needs more in-depth training on the best use of current and planned satellites. Two institutes of the Cooperative Research Program are developing the new "Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology" training program (ShyMet) with the NWS training branch.

The other type of training that is so necessary is the formation of professionals in satellite data utilization. Through close collaboration on-site with outstanding University graduate programs in atmospheric and oceanic science, STAR's Cooperative Research Program (CoRP) is achieving this goal.

Data, algorithms, and images presented on STAR websites are intended for experimental use only and are not supported on an operational basis.  More information

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