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Digital Government Strategy


“I want us to ask ourselves every day, how are we using technology to make a real difference in people’s lives.” —President Obama

On May 23, 2012, President Obama issued the Digital Government Strategy Initiative aimed at creating a 21st century digital platform that better serves the American People.  At the Department of Transportation we have been working hard the last year to use the Digital Government Strategy as a framework to improve digital services for both our internal and external customers.

We continue to make progress on the Digital Government Strategy and the Open Data Policy.  Highlights include:

  • More than doubling the number of datasets from our Department.  We currently have over 2,000 data sets available via and  We have also posted our datasets in machine readable format.
  • Adding Google Analytics to the majority of our webpages.
  • Releasing a new SaferCar app and an updated version of the SaferBus app.  We also released an android version of our SaferBus app.

As we continue to move forward with the Digital Strategy, we will look to you for ideas to improve our digital platform.  We will also post updates and opportunities on this page.


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Updated: Friday, October 7, 2016
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