Sarah Stewart

By |2020-05-28T16:20:29-04:0020 May 2018|

Sarah Stewart

Representative for Honduras

Sarah Stewart is the IAF Representative for Honduras. Prior to joining the IAF, Sarah worked for National Audubon, where she managed an Inter-American Development Bank grant to strengthen bird-watching tourism in Guatemala, Belize, Paraguay, and The Bahamas. Previously she worked as a community planning and development specialist for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, managing neighborhood stabilization grants. She also worked as a middle school and high school Spanish teacher in New Jersey. Sarah has lived in eight Spanish-speaking countries for extended periods of time working or conducting research primarily on the topics of protected area management, conservation, and ecotourism, including a Fulbright Research Fellowship in Venezuela. She also served as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama. Sarah holds a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Middlebury College and master’s degrees in Latin American Studies from UT Austin and International Development from Clark University.

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