About the Update

The National Capital Planning Commission is updating the Antenna Submission Guidelines which were last modified in 2001. This update addresses several issues in the current guidelines, namely: adding definitions for small cells and temporary antennas; including several new criteria to help protect viewsheds and address multiple antennas on building rooftops; and identifying the review process for temporary antennas and small cell antennas. The updated guidance addresses the impacts of new telecommunication infrastructure on federal buildings and land. The guidelines do not pertain to small cell infrastructure in the public right-of-way as this is regulated by the District of Columbia.

NCPC staff presented the draft antenna guidelines to the Commission at the July 9, 2020 meeting. The Commission released the draft guidelines for a 60-day public comment period. After collecting and addressing comments received on the draft Antenna Submission Guidelines, staff will present the final Antenna Guidelines to the Commission for approval in the fall 2020.

Read the Proposed Guidelines

Comment Period Closed

Public Meeting


The Commission is responsible for the review of antenna placement and their structures, including monopoles, towers, equipment buildings, and shelters, on federal land in the National Capital Region and on District of Columbia-owned land in Washington, DC. NCPC has approval authority on antennas located on federal land in Washington and District-owned land in the Central Area; elsewhere, the Commission has advisory authority. In general, the Commission’s review focuses on:

  • Protecting the skyline, historic resources, and scenic character of the nation’s capital
  • Preserving the general appearance of federal buildings
  • Providing employees, visitors, and residents with a healthy and safe environment
The antenna guidelines will address three categories of antennas and their review processes. These include permanent, temporary and small cell antennas. The current guidelines do not distinguish between these antenna types. In order to address this, the guidelines now define temporary antennas as being in place for 90 days or less. Small cell antennas are defined as smaller, low-power cell antennas usually attached to existing streetlight poles or placed on new poles.

The current antenna guidelines include a set of criteria staff uses to evaluate antenna submissions. These guidelines propose new criteria to protect preeminent viewsheds identified in the Urban Design Element of the Comprehensive Plan. As the need for more antenna infrastructure increases, the issue of cumulative impacts of multiple antennas is a growing concern. The proposed guidelines will require an overall rooftop strategy for buildings in high demand, following consultation with NCPC staff. The safety of antennas is the responsibility of the submitting agency as they are responsible for meeting the FCC guidelines.

Regarding the review process, temporary antennas will not be required to be reviewed by NCPC, however agencies will need to submit a temporary antenna notification form. Cell on wheels antennas that are temporary are not reviewed by NCPC. District government will review the small cell antennas when they are placed on public rights of way and NCPC will review them when they are placed on federal property.


  • Commission Meeting

    An information presentation during a special online meeting.

    Watch Video

  • Commission Meeting

    The Commission released the draft Antenna Submission Guidelines Update for public comment.

    Watch Video

  • Public Comment Period Opens

    The comment period begins with the official notice published in the Federal Register.

    Federal Register Notice

  • Public Meeting

    NCPC hosts an online meeting for the public to learn more about the update.

    View Event

  • Public Comment Period Closes

    NCPC accepts public comments on through September 14, 2020.

  • Commission Meeting

    The Commission will vote to adopt the Antenna Submission Guidelines Update.