United States Department of Veterans Affairs
HSR&D » Meetings » 2000

HSR&D 2000 Annual Meeting Abstracts

Number Primary Author Abstract Title
183 Adams Determinants of Technology-related Decisions Among VISN Clinical Managers
191 Aguayo Education-enhanced Rehabilitation for Homeless Veterans in Atlanta: Early Results
84 Arozullah Variation among VA Hospitals in Risk-Adjusted Pulmonary Complication Rates following Major Noncardiac Surgery
88 Asch Development and Testing of a Clinically-Detailed System to Assess Quality of Care in Hypertension
184 Asch Developing an Illustrated Patient Satisfaction Evaluation Tool for Low Literacy Veterans
6 Au The Risk of Myocardial Ischemic Events Associated with Inhaled Beta-adrenoceptor Agonists
232 Bach Rehabilitation Issues of Concern to Women with Spinal Cord Injuries
64 Barnett Cost-Effectiveness of Conservative Management of Non Q-wave Myocardial Infarction
51 Bauer Clinical Outcome, Functional Outcome, and Health Care Costs in Manic-Depressive Disorder: How Closely Related?
225 Bauer Principles of Effectiveness Trials: A Proposal and Implementation Examples from Cooperative Study #430
61 Bennett A Pilot Study of Shared Decision Making for Prostate Cancer Patients of Low Socioeconomic Status
91 Bennett Variations in the Management and Outcome of Patients with AIDS-Related Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP) in New York versus Other U.S. Cities: 1995-1997
197 Bent Herbal Medicine in the United States: A Systematic Review of the Quantity and Quality of Information Available to Health Care Providers
13 Berlowitz Improving Nursing Home Care: Importance of Organizational Culture and Continuous Quality Improvement Implementation
92 Bittner Time Spent by Interns with Hospitalized Patients: Association with Physician Characteristics, Patient Length of Stay, and Patient Satisfaction
174 Bittner Association of Intern Workload with Length of Stay and with Patient Satisfaction
93 Bokhour Men’s Perceptions of the Outcomes of Early Prostate Cancer: Identifying the Domains of Quality of Life
56 Borowsky Effect of Community-Based Outpatient Clinic Care on Patient Satisfaction and Health Status: A Randomized Trial
229 Bosworth Qualitative Analysis of Quality of Life among Congestive Heart Patients
247 Bosworth The Relationship Between Self-rated Health and Health Care Services Among Women Veterans in a Primary Care Clinic
94 Bradley Diabetes Nurse Specialists and a Computerized Patient Tracking System Improve Guideline Adherence
95 Bradley Binge Drinking Among Female VA Patients
165 Bradley A Multidisciplinary Approach with Sexual Trauma Survivors
86 Brazill Examining the Effectiveness of Academic Detailing in the Implementation of VA Hypertension (HTN) Clinical Practice Guidelines
50 Breckenridge A Psychiatric Diagnoses-Based Case Mix System for Mental Healthcare Utilization Data
217 Buffum Pain Management and Behavioral Outcomes in Patients with Dementia
259 Burke Utilization of VISTA Databases to Assess Outcomes of Care Provided Patients with Diabetes
142 Burks Older Adults with Osteoarthritis: Pain and Disability
73 Burman Determinants of Alcohol Advice or Treatment among At-Risk Drinkers in the Outpatient Setting. Results from the ACQUIP Study
195 Butterfield Gender Differences in HIV, HBV, HCV and Associated Risks in Severely Mentally Ill Persons
15 Byrne Effect of Primary Care Service Lines on Patient Outcomes
53 Calhoun The Relationship between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Severity and Health Service Utilization
96 Cannella The Cost of Healthcare for Homeless Veterans at the Atlanta VA Medical Center
156 Chaney Approaches to Guidelines Implementation: Primary Care Depression Treatment
179 Chaney Comparing Depression Screening Methods in Primary Care
80 Chang Incorporating Missing Data Information in Modeling Facility Case-Mix Adjusted Decline Rates in Functional Status
38 Chapko Evaluating VA Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) Using VA Databases
39 Charns Using Multiple Methods to Study Complex Organizational Phenomena: The Service Line Evaluation Project
151 Christiansen Bayesian and Hierarchical Models for Assessing Health Care Quality: What are they? Why are they needed? How are they used?
44 Chun Gender and Comorbid Psychiatric and Medical Diagnoses Among VA Patients with Alcohol Use Disorders: Association with Substance Use, Psychosocial Functioning, and Service Use
212 Ciesco Monitoring and Assessing the Relationship Between Veteran Enrollment and VA Healthcare and Quality
219 Cody Perception of Barriers to Providing Mental Health and Substance Abuse Care in Community Based Outpatient Clinics
199 Collins How Patients Perceive Physician Communication Regarding Cardiac Testing
43 Conigliaro Differences in the Duration of Symptoms and Delay in Presentation for Cardiac Care by Race Age and Site of Care
76 Conigliaro Primary Care Providers and Their Patients Who Drink Alcohol: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice
143 Copeland Use of Depot Antipsychotic Medication in Seriously Ill Schizophrenic Patients
177 Cordi Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Healthcare Costs for Veterans at the Atlanta VA Medical Center
180 Cordi Costs of Healthcare for Women Veterans in Atlanta: a Look at Gender Differences
228 Cornell Publication Bias: Can we measure it?
194 Covinsky Functional Status Prior to Hospitalization in Acutely Ill Elders: Validity and Clinical Importance of Retrospective Reports
182 Curran Depressive Symptoms and Relapse to Substance Use
97 Davis Screening for Problem Drinking among Female VA Patients Using the TWEAK
98 Davis Evaluating Competing Algorithms for Identifying VA Diabetics Using Computerized Medical Information System Data
233 Davis Relationship of Organizational Culture, Absenteeism, Turnover and Selected Social Characteristics of Hospital-Based Nursing Personnel
261 Dawson VA Cooperative Study #430: "Reducing the Efficacy-Effectiveness Gap in Bipolar Disorder"
48 Desai Utilization Patterns of Dually-Eligible (VA and Medicare) Veterans by Age
175 Desai Bed Closures and Incarceration among VA Mental Health Service Users in Upstate New York
144 Dhillon Determining Screening Classification of PSA Tests and Digital Rectal Exams: Developing an Algorithm to Differentiate Screening and Diagnostic Tests
31 Dresselhaus Measuring Compliance with Preventive Care Guidelines: A Comparison of Standardized Patients, Clinical Vignettes and the Medical Record
99 Dubbert Effects of Nurse Counseling for Primary Care Patients: Adherence to a Home-Based Walking Program
214 Dubbert Nurse Exercise Counseling for Primary Care Patients: Physical Activity and Fitness Changes After 6 Months
171 Duffy An Innovative Model (GIFT -Geriatric Interdisciplinary Faculty Training) for Formal CQK/TQM Training in Long Term Care
230 Duffy Quality of Life, Smoking, Alcohol, and Depression in Veterans with Head/Neck Cancer: A Pilot Study
100 Duncan Performance of the Mail Administered Stroke Impact Scale Compared to Conventional Measurements of Stroke Outcomes
55 Edelman Clinical Significance of Undiagnosed Diabetes among VA Medical Center Outpatients
101 Edelman Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Undiagnosed Diabetes among VA Medical Center Outpatients
102 Engelhardt A Follow-up Investigation of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of GEM Care
103 Evans Evaluating Screening Criteria for Adverse Outcomes in Primary Care
213 Evans Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation vs Medical Care: using Meta-analysis to Determine the Clinical Effectiveness of Physical Medicine
70 Fan Risk of Hospitalization and Mortality In-Patients with Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease: The Impact of Quality of Life
145 Felker The Impact of Depressive Symptoms on Health Status in Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Disease
264 Fig Voice Recognition Dictation System reduces Report Turnaround Time
104 Fink Sildenafil for Male Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
186 Fink Disability after Fracture in Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women: the Fracture Intervention Trial
216 Fischer Outcome and Treatment Preferences in Schizophrenia: Do Stakeholders Share Goals?
71 Fong Functional Status in Veterans after Discharge for Acute Myocardial Infarction versus Unstable Angina Pectoris
200 Fortier Impact of Filing a PTSD Disabilty Claim on Gulf War Veterans’ VA Outpatient Health Care Utilzation
152 Foulis Data Mining using VISTA for Decision Making and Quality Improvement
203 Foulis Improvement in Diabetic outcomes with the Implementation of a Proficiency Testing Program
206 Foy Joint VHA/VBA Project to Reengineer Organizational Process of Providing C & P Examinations
105 Gardner A Nurse Managed Chronic Wound Telehealth Clinic
251 Gardner The Validity of the Clinical Signs and Symptoms Used to Identify Localized Chronic Wound Infection
252 Gardner Third-Party Insurance and Length of Acute Care Inpatient Stays At VA Hospitals
106 Garshick Predictors of Pulmonary Function in Spinal Cord Injury
162 Garvey Smoking Cessation Patterns Across 35 Years of Follow-up in the Normative Aging Study
246 Gerdner The Effects of Individualized vs. Classical "Relaxation" Music on the Frequency of Agitation in Elderly Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders
245 Goldberg The Effect of a Narcotics Management System on Narcotics Prescribing and Unscheduled Visits in a Large Veterans Primary Care Clinic
85 Goldstein Impact of Hypertension Guideline Implementation on Patients’ Blood Pressure
69 Good Diabetes Costs and Control in Several VISN 4 Facilities: There is a difference
45 Gordon Variation in the Process of Care for Black and White Patients in Veterans Hospitals
107 Gordon Racial Variation in Cancer Patients' Health Seeking Behaviors and Acceptance of Care
146 Gould A Comparison of Methods for Summarizing Studies of Diagnostic Test Performance
49 Gralnek Liver Transplantation Recipients in the United States in the 1990s: A Comparative Analysis With the U.S. Liver Donor Population
74 Gralnek The Impact of Chronic Liver Disease on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL)
108 Grossman Medical Illness Predicts Psychiatric Service Utilization and Cost for Elderly Patients with Bipolar Disorder
109 Guihan VA vs. Private Sector Mergers of Academic Medical Centers: Who's More Successful At Integration?
260 Guihan VA Chicago Health Care System Integration Evaluation
110 Hagan Pain Management and Control of Effects of Treatment in Hospitalized Veteran Patients with Cancer
111 Hankin Patient Characteristics Associated with Provider Practices for Psychotropic Care
204 Hasenberg Increasing Depression Treatment Adherence in Primary Care: Patient Treatment Preference
28 Hendricks HEDIS 3.0 Performance Measures in VA
223 Herndon Prevalence and Predictors of HIV Testing among Homeless Women - Good News
112 Hickam Perceptions of the Quality of VA Medical Services among Gulf War-era Veterans
113 Hofer Have Deaths Due to Medical Errors Been Overestimated?
193 Hoffman Epidemiology of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in United States Veterans
52 Hounshell Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention Measures among US Hospitals with versus without Prior Nosocomial TB Outbreaks (1995-1997)
209 Huizenga Lung Volume Reduction Surgery is Associated with Improvements in Health-related Quality of Life
255 Hurley Uncovering the Stress Response to Bathing in Veterans with Dementia.
35 Hynes Assessing Health Care Quality Using theVA Decision Support System (dSs): The Future Is Now
114 Ibrahim Health-related Attitudes/Beliefs among Elderly, African-American and White Veterans with Chronic Knee and/or Hip Pain
220 Ibrahim Perceptions of Access to VA and non-VA Medical Care among Elderly African-American and White Veterans with Chronic Knee and Hip Pain
221 Ibrahim Perceptions of Global Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Knee or Hip Pain: Differences between African-American and White Veterans
196 Jacobs Gender Differences in Satisfaction with Participation in Decision Making
240 Johnson The Association of Illness Trajectory with Hospital Mortality: An Example of Longitudinal Logistic Regression
33 Jones Cervical Cancer Screening in the Department of Veterans Affairs
244 Jones The D-E-N-T-A-L Identifies Veterans in need of Dental Care
210 Joseph Marketing Smoking Cessation: is a Free Patch as Good as Free Soap?
253 Joseph Timing of Alcohol and Smoking Cessation Study: Screenees’ Attitudes Toward Participating in a Clinical Trial
192 Kaur Effects of Interactive Demonstration of Exercise Among Arthritics
147 Kemppainen Barriers and Facilitators to HAART Therapies
8 Kilbourne Further Validation of an HIV Symptom Index: Symptoms among Depressed and Non-depressed HIV+ Veterans
227 Kinnon Proposal to Create a Telephone Monitoring Follow up System for Home Bound, Aide and Attendance, Fee Basis or Other Eligible Patients on Warfarin Therapy
54 Kirchner Comorbid Lifetime Alcohol Use Disorders and Depressive Disorders in a Community Population
115 Klaw Moderation Management: An Alternative to AA for Patients with Alcohol Use Disorders
231 Knight Racial Differences in Quality of Life among Veterans with Localized Prostate Cancer
29 Krein Examining Variation at Provider, Team and Facility Level for Performance Indicators Related to Diabetes Care
41 Kressin Challenges in Conducting Research on Racial Variations in Health Care
242 Langa The Cost of Family Caregiving for the Elderly with Dementia: New Estimates from a Nationally Representative Sample
168 Laughlin Impact of HSR&D Development Grant in VISN 8
265 Lawrence Health-related Quality of Life after Major Abdominal Surgery in Elders
266 Lawrence Medical Complications after Hip Fracture Repair: Incidence and Outcomes in 8930 Patients
267 Lawrence Functional Recovery after Major Abdominal Surgery in Elders
5 Lee Duration of Survival for Disseminated Malignant Melanoma: Results of a Meta-Analysis
257 Lee Use of Clustering and Weighting Techniques in a Complex Survey of HIV Testing in Homeless Women
116 Legro Use of Focus Groups to Identify Knowledge Gaps about Care for Spinal Cord Injured Veterans
37 Lenert Development of Computer Instruments for Measurement of Patients’ Preferences
63 Liu The Effect of Preoperative Risk Factors on Hospital Departmental Costs of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery
83 Liu Insurance Coverage and Access to Care for Non-Elderly Veterans
117 Liu Time Costs in Integrated Care for Depression Treatment in Primary Care
256 Llorente UPBEAT: Utilization, Cost and Consumer Satisfaction
189 Lorenz Do For-Profit Hospice Patients Have Longer, Less Complex Stays?
118 Loveland Comparing the Performance of Two Diagnosis-Based Case-Mix Measures in the VA
30 Luck Does Getting the History and Physical Right Lead to Better Treatment Decisions? Using Standardized Patients to Link Process to Medical Interventions
11 Lukas Measuring Healthcare System Integration
12 Lukas The Structure and Effectiveness of Facility Integration
119 Luther Impact of Dropout Rates on Effect Size in Randomized Controlled Trials
120 Maddox Characteristics and Perceptions of Spouse Caregivers of Dementia Patients
2 Mansell Quality of Life in Ambulatory Veterans with Alcohol Disorders: Does Abstinence Matter?
248 Mansell The Roles of the Family and Physician in Patient Decision Making about Serious Illness
181 Mayfield Department of Veterans Affairs Spinal Cord Injury Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (SCI QUERI)
72 McDonell Quality of Life and 5-Year Mortality among Veterans with Coronary Artery Disease: Results from the Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project (ACQUIP) Pilot Study
262 McGuire VA Hospital-Hotel (Hoptel) Equalizes Inpatient Length of Stay Among Homeless and Domiciled Patients
239 McKinley Systematizing Intensive Care Unit Surveillance within a VA Healthcare Network
201 Meier Iplementation of VA Guidelines for Self-monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG): Effect on Glucose Control and Pharmacy Costs
121 Mencke Application of HEDIS Measures within a Veterans Affairs Medical Center
26 Menke Utilization and Outcomes for Episodes of Care
14 Meterko Effect of Primary Care Service Lines on Patient Satisfaction
215 Mills Organizational Characteristics Contributing to Successful Outcome in a Multi-Hospitial Collaborative Safety Improvement Project
16 Mitchinson A Qualitative Study of Mental Health Providers Attitudes toward Quality Indicators
148 Mohler Adherence of HIV+ Patients to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART)
211 Morgan Medicare HMO Enrollment among VA Health Service Users and Non-users
234 Mulrow Smart Search: A Quick Easy Method for Searching Medical Evidence
190 Musson Dysphagia Intervention: A Model Qualtiy Improvement Program
166 Nelson A National Program Initiative to Evaluate Spinal Cord Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines
258 Neugaard Using Teleform® Software Application to Design and Conduct Automated Data Entry of Self-administered Questionnaires for Health Services Research in the VA
10 Noel Veterans' Knowledge of and Attitudes toward Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diabetes
154 Nugent Estimating VA Health Care Costs
224 Olsen Primary Care: Comparison of Geriatric Mental Health Delivery System
155 Ortiz Evidence-Based Healthcare
208 Ortiz Low Incidence of Unsuspected Anaerobic Bacteremia: Are Routine Anaerobic Blood Cultures Still Indicated?
32 Palumbo Does Early Cognitive Impairment Have an Impact on Healthcare Utilization in Geriatric Outpatients?
149 Pape The Measurement of Brain Functioning in Low Level Neurological States
170 Parada African Americans with HIV-related Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia Receive Better Care than Whites and Survive More Often
150 Parker Service Line Activity in VHA Facilities: the Development and Measurement of a Service Line Construct
157 Parker Using Qualitative Methods in Health Services Research: Describing and Understanding Health Care
263 Parker Visions of Integration: Multiple Approaches to Structuring VISNs
122 Partin Do Veterans Want to Participate in Medical Decisions?
62 Pearlman Positive Results of a Comprehensive Advance Care Planning Intervention
82 Peck The Nature and Prevalence of Patient Expectations in a VA General Medicine Clinic
87 Petersen Comorbidity, Severity, and Outcome of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction in VHA Compared with Medicare
123 Petersen The Accuracy of Coding Chronic Heart Failure in the VA Outpatient Clinic File
124 Petersen Comparison of Risk Adjustment Methods for Captivated Payments in VHA
58 Piette Do Automated Calls with Nurse Follow-up Improve Self-Care and Glycemic Control among VA Patients with Diabetes? Results of a Randomized, Controlled Trial
21 Quach Adherence to the PORT Study Prediction Rule and Its Impact on Outcomes and Resource Utilization
164 Quach A Method to Estimate Prescription Status Using a VA Pharmaceutical Administrative Database
222 Rakovski Predicting Change in Functional Status in VA Long Term Care: Do Robust Estimates Improve Prediction?
169 Reker Accuracy of ICD_9-CM Codes in Identifying Stroke Patients
218 Ren Patient Ratings of Satisfaction with Health Care: a Study of Veterans Served by VA Primary and Eye Care Clinics
22 Render Automated Intensive Care Unit Severity Adjustment
40 Render Methodology for Investigating and Improving Patient Safety
235 Rosansky Social Isolation Increases Risk of Re-Hospitalization
126 Roselle National Hepatitis C Surveillance Day in the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
20 Rosen Concordance of PTSD Treatment Practices with Emerging Practice Guidelines
27 Rosen How Well Do ACGs Characterize the Disease Burden of the VA Population?
125 Rosenfeld Conceptualizing Spiritual Well-Being: A Focus Group Study of Older Adults with Chronic Illness
237 Rosenfeld Spiritual Well-Being in Older Individuals with Chronic Illness: Development of a Spiritual Function Scale
67 Rosenheck A Novel Approach to the Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness Data in Psychiatric Clinical Trials: Cost-Effectiveness Acceptability Curves
127 Rothendler HEDIS 3.0 Cardiac Procedure Rates in the VA: Variation Among VISNs and Effect of Accounting for Non-VA Care on Overall Measures
160 Rothendler Provider Profiling: An Example of Inconsistent Results When Using Aggregated Patient-level Data
9 Rubins Treatment of Cholesterol in the Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease: How well are we doing?
57 Ruskin Efficiacy of Telepsychiatry in the Treatment of Depression
23 Saint Physician Unawareness of Urinary Catheters in their Patients: if you don't ask, they won't tell
207 Saint Journal Reading Habits of Internists
128 Sales Cholesterol Screening for Primary Prevention: An Effect of Computerized Reminders?
198 Sales How do we connect? Congruence between Perceptions of Coordination Mechanisms in Cardiology
129 Salgado General Life Adjustment in a National Sample of Vietnam Veterans
205 Sanders Influence of Organizational Change on Learning Needs of VA Employees for the New Millennium
130 Selim Racial Differences In Use of Lumbar Spine Radiographs: Results from the Veterans Health Study
65 Sernyak Clozapine Prescription and Long-term Inpatient Service Utilization
60 Shekelle Interventions that Increase use of Adult Immunization and Cancer Screening Services: a Meta-analysis of 218 Controlled Trials
81 Shen Severity of Acute Inpatients and Length of Stay in VA
36 Sherman Lessons Learned from the Initial Conduct of a Multi-site Trial; or are you sure you want to be doing this?
46 Shlipak The Effect of Race on Survival of Men Hospitalized in the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System
202 Slimack Improved Sexual Function Following Castration in Lower SES Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients: Can it be Real?
77 Sloan Comparing VA to the Group Health Population on the Chronic Disease Score Categories
90 Sloan Secondary Prevention of Ischemic Heart Disease – Guideline Concordance
241 Sloan The Chronic Disease Score and Pharmacy-Based Risk Adjusters – Recommendations for Replicability
131 Smith Contacting and Enrolling VA Physicians in Research: Role of Gender and Specialty Status
167 Souchek A Randomized Trial to Compare Methods of Eliciting Utility Measures for Cost Utility Analyses
163 Spar A Conceptual Model of Clinical Structure
89 Spertus Health Status and 2-year Outcomes among Veterans with Coronary Artery Disease: Results from the Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project (ACQUIP)
132 Spiro Prevalence of PTSD Among VA Ambulatory Care Patients
226 Steinhauser Assessing the Attributes of the Quality of Dying: Perspectives of Patients, Families, and Health Care Providers
236 Stine Spiritual Experience and Advanced Directives
34 Swarztrauber Physician Referral Choices in the Management of Patients with Neurological Conditions
133 Swindle Can Integrating Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialists into VA Primary Care Clinics Improve the 3-month Outcomes of Patients with Depression? A Randomized Controlled Trial
59 Timko Demand Characteristics of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
134 Udris A Case Finding Tool to Identify General Internal Medicine Patients with Congestive Heart Failure using VISTA Pharmacy Data.
18 Valenstein Conformance to PORT Guidelines for Conventional Antipsychotics in Severely Ill Schizophrenic Veterans: Opportunities for Improvement
161 Van Ryn An Examination of Factors Associated with Physician Treatment Recommendation for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
135 Villa Health and Functioning among Four Eras of Veterans: Examining the Impact of Social and Economic Determinants
254 Vogt Toward Gender-Aware VA Health Care: Year 2 Findings
25 Volicer Tools for Evaluation of End-of-Life Care in Dementia
173 Vrtunski Assessment of Spirituality in Drug Addiction
250 Wagner The Use and Effects of Consumer Health Information Following a City-wide Informational Intervention
79 Wakefield Telemedicine Clinics: Successes and Failures
136 Wang Diagnostic and Patient-Centered Approaches in Assessing Case-Mix: How Are They Correlated?
7 Washington Risk Factors for Hospitalization in Veterans with Abdominal Pain
47 Washington Minority Veterans' Perceptions of VA Healthcare: A View Toward Improvement
24 Weaver Total Joint Replacement Outcomes for Men and Women Treated at VA Hospitals: Result from a National Study
176 Weaver Characteristics and Outcomes of Women Undergoing Hysterectomies in VA Facilities
137 Weingardt Brief Screening for Anxiety, Depression and Substance Abuse in Spinal Cord Injury
238 Wells Staff Member Integration within Psychiatric Interdisciplinary Treatment Teams
1 Weng Interest in Chemoprevention for Breast Cancer
68 West Donepezil Use and Impact on Utilization and Cost among Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
158 West Use of Diagnostic Cost Groups to Predict Resource Use by VHA Patients
138 Whittle What is Important to Patients Deciding Whether to Undergo Coronary Revascularization
188 Whittle Do Doctors and Patients Agree on the Benefits of Coronary Revascularization?
3 Whooley Depressed Mood, Income Loss and Unemployment: The Cardia Study
139 Williams The Relationship Between Post-Stroke Depression and Quality of Life in Veterans with Stroke
4 Wilt Mailed Information Improves Knowledge About Early Detection and Treatment of Prostate Cancer
140 Wilt Diagnosing and Treating Chronic A Bacterial Prostatitis: A Systematic Review of the Literature
178 Wilt Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Preferences of Veterans with Prostate Cancer
187 Winterbottom Do Clinicians and Non-clinicians Agree on Proposals to Reduce the Costs of Care?
185 Wray Development of Outcome Measures for Evaluating an Organizational Intervention
78 Wright Medicare Enrollment Status among VA Users by VISN
159 Wright Enrollment in the Medicare Program among Veterans Turning Age 65
66 Wristers Validity of Standard Gamble, Time Trade-off, and Rating Scale Methods of Utility Assessment for Prostate Cancer Health States
153 Wristers Longitudinal Data Analysis Techniques
249 Wristers The Unreliability of Single-Item Scales: Implications for Health Services Research
17 Young The Quality of Care for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders in the United States
19 Young Patient, Provider and Treatment Factors Associated with Poor Quality Care for Schizophrenia
42 Young Racial Differences in Satisfaction, Quality of Life and Mortality in Veterans with Diabetes: The Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project (ACQUIP)
75 Young Prevalence of Diabetic Nephropathy in the Veterans Administration Health Care System
172 Yu Are Veterans Willing to Pay for Lifestyle Medications?
243 Zeber The Cost-utility of Screening for Depression in Primary Care
141 Zemencuk Information-Seeking Behaviors and Knowledge of Surgical Treatment Choices in a Population-Based Sample of Breast Cancer Patients