Space Weather Explorer 2


Space Weather Explorer 2 (SWX2) is a Java visualization program for space weather simulation data provided by the Community Coordinated Modeling Center. The Java Web Start version can be launched from any web browser on Mac OSX, Linux 64bit, and Windows Vista/7 32/64 bit.

The application is developed using Java, and Java wrappers for our Kameleon access and interpolation library. It can be used to view specific timesteps of a run performed by the CCMC, and to interact with the viusalization in real-time. Request data files using the CDF request form.

This program is definitely a work in progress. Not all the features are complete.




Alexa_Halford_062105_2.3df.007200.cdf (OpenGGCM) (33MB)
KyoungJoo_Hwang_040309_1.3df.007200.cdf (OpenGGCM) (472MB)
CCMC_CCMC_072802_13d__ful_1_n262944.out.cdf (BATSRUS) (143MB)
David_Sibeck_112707_13d__ful_1_t00002110_n0028227.out.cdf (BATSRUS) (1.4GB)
Meng_Jin_031910_SH_1_step_2.MAS.cdf (MAS) (13MB)
Trent_Jefferson_022811_SH_1.0038.cdf (ENLIL) (35MB) (ENLIL) (475MB)

SWX is a Java Web Start application. By clicking on the link above, Java Web Start should load the file and download the necessary code to execute the program on your platform. You do not need to install anything manually.

Please contact Richard Mullinix (Richard.e.Mullinix AT nasa DOT gov) if you need help.

System Requirements

SWX2 requires the following software and hardware:


CDF request form
Java downloads

This page was lasted updated on: August 21 2017 15:32:11