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HSR&D Collaborative Research to Enhance and Advance Transformation and Excellence (CREATE) Initiative

VA HSR&D’s Collaborative Research to Enhance and Advance Transformation and Excellence (CREATE), initiative is comprised of a series of projects designed to connect HSR&D investigators with VA operations partners in order to conduct collaborative research on high-priority issues that affect the health and healthcare of Veterans. 

The CREATE initiative was initially funded as a coordinated group in 2012, with most projects securing between four and six years of funding. The initiative has been defined by groups of coordinated research projects conducted in a focused research area by independent, collaborating investigators and their VA partners. These partners include local, regional, and national clinical, operations, and other healthcare system stakeholders. Interrelated research projects are designed to demonstrate that collaboration and coordination of efforts produces deliverables and new knowledge that offer a distinct advantage over pursuing individual projects separately.

CREATEs have been targeting critical care for Veterans, including post-traumatic stress disorder, long-term care, women's health, pain management, patient-aligned care teams, and substance use disorders. See below for descriptions of each funded CREATE, as well as individual CREATE projects.

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