The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Magnetic Devices (ASD-MD)

The primary mission of the Magnetic Devices (MD) Group is to design, build, and maintain Insertion Devices (IDs) that are reliable and transparent to the electron beam at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). The majority of IDs at the APS are conventional planar hybrid undulators, but an essential part of the mission is to develop novel IDs, such as short-period superconducting undulators and long-period electromagnetic undulators. The capabilities of APS IDs are matched to users’ experimental needs. The mission also includes magnetic tuning of the IDs to ensure their near-ideal performance as x-ray sources and calculations to predict the radiation output of an ID. The MD group is also responsible for the design, construction, and measurement of all electromagnets for the APS accelerator complex.

