Funding Opportunities

PCORI Funding Announcements

PCORI Funding Announcements (PFAs) are designed to solicit applications for proposals to support a portfolio of comparative clinical effectiveness research based on our National Priorities for Research and Research Agenda. Funding announcements aligned with the first four of these areas —  Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options; Improving Healthcare Systems; Communication and Dissemination Research; and Addressing Disparities —  were released May 22; a fifth PFA — Improving Methods for Conduction Patient-Centered Outcomes Research —  was released November 16, 2012.  Cycle III opens January 15.

Reminder: PCORI is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization. All PCORI funding announcements will be posted here. PCORI funding announcements will not be published in the Federal Register.

Pilot Projects

PCORI’s Pilot Projects Program is designed to support research that address a broad range of questions about methods for engaging patients in the health and healthcare research and dissemination process.

The PCORI Challenge Initiative

We are exploring the “open innovation” approach to problem-solving with our first “challenge” initiative – tapping into the expertise of our stakeholder communities to help us advance “research done differently.”  Our inaugural challenge is to develop a patient/research “matchmaking” system that will effectively connect potential partners interested in seeking funding from us for rigorous patient-centered outcomes research. The solution could be a well-articulated conceptual model, a prototype of a web-based service, a mobile app, some combination of these approaches, or something else entirely.

Other PCORI Contract Research

We will make a variety of external funding opportuni­ties available throughout the course of our work, including Requests for Proposals (RFPs), which are awarded through a competitive process. Each RFP contains its own statement of work, requirements and evaluation criteria. When available, you can find out more about such opportunities here.