Submittal Basics

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Reporting Requirements

  • DOE reporting requirements for financial assistance recipients and non-major site/facility management contractors should be clearly outlined in your award document. Contact your DOE Contracting Officer with questions or concerns.
  • STI deliverables generated by major site/facility management contractors are identified at the project level.
  • There are instances when only the Announcement Notice should be submitted to OSTI.

STI Product Types

  • STI is found in many forms and format. Review Types of STI for a comprehensive list.
  • For copyrighted materials, only an announcement notice may be submitted, but detailed information regarding where the materials are published is required as part of the announcement notice. 

STI Technical Report Characteristics

Electronic STI Products

  • Technical reports and other STI products should be provided in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).  Other options are available for major site/facility management contractors hosting STI on their site's server.
  • All text, tables, diagrams, photographs, schematic, graphs, and charts should be integrated into one file.
  • Identify and provide digitized legacy STI (provided in print prior to 2001).

Software Deliverables

Copyright Restrictions

Personally Identifiable Information 

STI Sensitivity Reviews

Established Submittal Processes

More information:
For Universities or R&D and Other Contracts
For National Labs and Major Site/Facility Management Contractors
For DOE Programs
For Non-DOE Facilities

Last updated: April 13, 2011