Roles and Responsibilities

The intent of this page is to provide an overview of the Roles and Responsibilities of new and current Scientific and Technical Information points-of-contact. It is not a requirements document, but instead is intended to describe best practices for implementing STI management as listed in the DOE Order 241.1B and are to be carried out by the DOE elements and major site/facility management contractors, as appropriate. (This document does not replace the requirements listed in the DOE O 241.B  or in the Contractors Requirement Document (CRD) contained within DOE O 241.1B.


The Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP) is comprised of the Department’s program managers, and scientific and technical information professionals who work collaboratively to fulfill DOE’s obligation for the timely collection and broad dissemination of the Department’s STI. The STIP fundamentally involves the government’s responsibility to be accountable for tax dollars spent on R&D and other scientific endeavors, its role in technology awareness, and transfer to the domestic and global user community.

STIP is executed through strategic goals and objectives and implemented in partnership with the major site/facility management contractors and DOE representatives. The STIP community members play a major role in the success of the Department’s and in the success of the Department in ensuring that STI resulting from research at the laboratories is appropriately managed, accounted for, and disseminated as appropriate.

Their primary responsibility is to:

  • Effectively manage the DOE-sponsored STI, therefore ensuring that U.S. citizens are realizing a maximum return on investment, while ensuring information is appropriate marked and managed in accordance with any statutory access limitations.
  • Ensure that the STI is accessible for contributing to the advancement of science and technology.

Although coordination of STIP is the responsibility of OSTI, the success of the Program depends on the active participation and involvement of each of the STI representatives.

Last updated on Wednesday 18 March 2020