Submitting STI

The Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Link system (E-Link), developed and maintained by the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), is used by for electronically submitting scientific and technical information (STI) products that are created during DOE-funded research or other work. E-Link is used by DOE-funded financial assistance recipients (i.e., grantees), DOE national laboratories and other major facilities, and by DOE offices at HQ and in the field.

Within E-Link, OSTI provides different Announcement Notices for different audiences and submittal types. Business rules for metadata and full- text handling are associated with each Announcement Notice.  In addition, some Announcement Notices can be submitted via either manual or automated methods.  The table below tells you which Announcement Notice and its associated business rules you must follow for your situation.

Before you start, the "Submittal Basics" for STI can be found here.

If you are...If you are submitting...Then you must follow...
  • Headquarters or Field Level Programs
  • Nat'l Labs and Major Site/Facility Management Contractors







  • Books/Monographs (Note: Do not provide the publisher's copyrighted version to OSTI.)
  • Conference/Event Papers, Presentations, or Proceedings (Note:  Do not provide the publisher's copyrighted version of Proceedings documents or published papers to OSTI.)
  • Journal Articles (Note: Author's accepted, peer-reviewed manuscript.  Do not provide copyrighted materials/Publisher's Version of Record to OSTI.)
  • Patents
  • Program Documents
  • Technical Reports
  • Thesis/Dissertations
  • Workshop Reports
  • Factsheets








  • Financial Assistance Recipients
  • R&D and Other Contractors
  • DOE Awarding/Field/Site Offices


  • Conference/Event Papers, Presentations, or Proceedings (Note:  Do not provide the publisher's copyrighted version of Proceedings documents or published papers to OSTI)
  • Journal Articles (Note: Author's accepted, peer-reviewed manuscript. Do not provide copyrighted materials/Publisher's Version of Record to OSTI)
  • Technical Reports
  • Workshop Reports
  • Theses or Dissertations





  • Headquarters or Field Level Programs
  • Nat'l Labs and Major Site/Facility Management Contractors
  • Financial Assistance Recipients
  • R&D and Other Contractors
  • DOE Awarding/Field/Site Offices
  • Software Packages
  • Software Manuals








  • Headquarters or Field Level Programs
  • Nat'l Labs and Major Site/Facility Management Contractors







Classified and Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI)

  • Collection
  • Computer-Related
  • Conference Papers or Presentations/Proceedings (non-copyrighted)
  • Conference Papers or Presentations/Proceedings (copyrighted)
  • Data
  • Drawing
  • Journal Articles Published
  • Journal Articles - Accepted Manuscript
  • Patents/Patent Applications
  • Software Manuals
  • Technical Reports








  • Headquarters or Field Level Programs
  • Nat'l Labs and Major Site/Facility Management Contractors
  • Financial Assistance Recipients
  • R&D and Other Contractors
  • Datasets




  • AN 241.6 Business Rules
    • AN 241.6 on E-Link (No account required for grantees)
    • AN 241.6 on E-Link (Account required for DOE organizations)
    • Documentation for the AN 241.6 Web Service/API
  • See also information available from OSTI's home page about the DOE Data ID Service.




  • Headquarter or Field Level Programs
  • Nat'l Labs and Major Site/Facility Management Contractors
  • Financial Assistance Recipients
  • R&D and Other Contractors


  • Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs)











Last updated on Friday 27 March 2020