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CSR has produced a series of videos to give you an inside look at how scientists from across the country review NIH grant applications for scientific and technical merit.

New and established applicants will find insights and understanding that can empower them to improve the applications and increase their chances for receiving a more positive review.

NIH is committed to basic research. Here we provide guidance to both applicants and reviewers. What Happens to Your NIH Grant Application is one of our most popular outreach presentations

NIH is committed to basic research

What Happens to Your NIH Grant Application

Top 10 NIH Peer Review Q&As for Applicants give you the answers you need Jumpstart Your Research Career with CSR’s Early Career Reviewer Program tells how it works

Top 10 NIH Peer Review Q&As for Applicants

NIH Peer Review Revealed

Webinars provide helpful guidance to R01, R15, Fellowship and SBIR/STRR Applicants NIH Tips for Applicants gives applicants practical advice and insights

NIH Peer Review Revealed

NIH Peer Review Revealed


Annotated Video Transcripts:


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Right click on the links below and save the file to your computer. The videos are formatted in mov files and require the free QuickTime 7 player to view.

These videos may be used by individuals, universities, or other non-profit organizations without restrictions to advance the understanding of NIH scientific review groups. If you have questions, contact the CSR Office of Communications by sending an e-mail to


Learn More

NIH Peer Review Process


The NIH Grants Program