Protecting Our Environment

Energy and the Environment
President Trump’s Decision to Withdraw the U.S. From the Paris Climate Agreement Makes America Less Safe, and puts our environment, economy, and public health at risk.

Democrats strongly believe in our responsibility to serve as stewards of our environment and public lands for current and future generations. Instead of working with Democrats, President Trump and Congressional Republicans have focused relentlessly on rolling back environmental and public health protections, shutting down public lands, and allowing the inhumane killing of animals on wildlife refuges. In addition, the President withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accords, abdicating American leadership and undermining our national security and America’s credibility. Already, countries like China are stepping up to replace American leadership on climate change.

Despite President Trump’s misguided decision, Democrats remain committed to protecting our planet for future generations. The Democratic Majority has led dozens of hearings on the climate crisis and has passed H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act, which prohibits any federal funds from being used to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement, ensuring America honors its Paris Agreement commitments, and laying the groundwork for further action.

The Democratic Majority is also committed to protecting our public lands. After months of negotiations between both parties in both chambers, a bipartisan conservation and public lands package was enacted that includes a permanent reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).

House Democrats will continue to advance legislation to address climate change; invest in our nation’s clean energy future while spurring job creation and economic growth; and protect public lands and the environment for generations to come.

Energy and the Environment Related
Since coming to Congress, Deb Haaland has not only been a close friend but an outstanding advocate for her constituents, for Native American nations, for land and water conservation, and for the preservation of America's heritage.
Former Gov. Jennifer Granholm is an excellent choice to be our next Secretary of Energy.  Her experience leading Michigan through the near-collapse of the auto industry and its recovery with ambitious fuel-efficiency standards - helping consumers,
Five years ago, nearly every nation in the world pledged to set ambitious goals toward reducing carbon pollution and addressing the global climate crisis.
The Lumbee Nation deserves full federal recognition, and I have indicated to Rep. Butterfield that this remains a priority for the House. 
With two weeks left before Election Day and millions of Americans already casting their ballots, President Donald Trump still has not indicated what his policy agenda would be for a second term.
Madam Speaker, the global climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of our time. We must confront climate change, and an essential part of that is investing in clean energy innovation. This alone is certainly not going be enough to address the climate crisis we face. But it is a critical step forward that we can and must take right now.
I look forward to bringing the Clean Energy Jobs and Innovation Act to the Floor next week, which fulfills House Democrats’ promise to invest in the creation of high-paying jobs by making America a global leader in clean energy.  Our climate is changing, and we not only need to take dramatic steps to slow the carbon pollution that has driven this climate crisis but we must also seize the economic opportunities that this challenge presents. 
I am pleased that the House was able to come together in a bipartisan vote to reauthorize the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) in a way that invests in upgrading and protecting America’s vital waterways and water infrastructure.  I’ve been proud to lead the Make It In America agenda for jobs and opportunities, and strengthening infrastructure, as this bill does, is a key component of that plan.  American businesses and workers depend on safe and efficient ports, harbors, and navigable rivers to transport goods to market and access raw materials.  Communities also depend on water infrastructure to protect against flooding and ensure that the water they use for drinking and agriculture is clean and safe. 
Madam Speaker, I want to thank Chairman [Raul] Grijalva of the Natural Resources Committee for steering the legislation before us through his Committee and working with the Senate to get it passed through that body. I would also especially like to thank Reps. [Joe] Cunningham, [Mikie] Sherrill, [T.J.] Cox, [Xochitl] Torres Small, [Kendra] Horn, and [Jared] Golden for leading this legislation in the House, along with my good friend, Mike Simpson.
President Trump either fundamentally misunderstands our national infrastructure challenge or is cynically using it to justify his continued assault on clean air and clean water protections. Delays to major infrastructure investments are overwhelmingly caused by a lack of funding, not by rules designed to ensure that construction projects do not harm the health and environment of the communities they serve - particularly minority and lower-income communities that are most vulnerable to the effects of pollution and climate change.
I applaud the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis and Chairwoman Castor for releasing their Climate Crisis Action Plan today, which calls for 100% clean, net-zero emissions across our economy by 2050.  This roadmap will help guide our nation in the years ahead as we seek to reclaim the mantle of leadership in addressing the challenge of the global climate crisis and seize the economic opportunities that come with meeting that challenge.
The House will consider the Great American Outdoors Act under a rule on the Floor during the work period at the end of July.  This bipartisan bill, which passed the Senate by a vote of 73-25, will permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and address the maintenance backlog at our national parks.
Fifty years ago, we celebrated the first Earth Day, hopeful that Americans could lead the way in stopping the dangerous pollution dirtying our air and water and wildlife habitats. 
Yesterday, the President released his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2021 and made his priorities clear: he continues to put the wealthiest Americans first at the expense of working families. The budget proposal makes tax cuts for the wealthy permanent while breaking his promises to working families on health care, the economy, and other areas that help Americans get ahead and keep them safe.
By officially withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, President Trump is placing Americans’ health, our environment, and our nation’s economic competitiveness at risk.
Acting on the climate crisis continues to be a top priority for the American people. According to a recent Washington Post and Kaiser Family Foundation poll, the majority of Americans believe we must act on the climate crisis now and that the Trump Administration is not doing enough:
Climate change is perhaps one of the greatest threats we face as a nation and as a planet, those who deny it do so at great peril to the health, security, and economic prosperity of our country.
Thank you very, very much. I appreciate this opportunity to participate with you.
As we celebrate our planet today, we must recommit ourselves to taking the necessary steps to protect it and its extraordinary diversity of life.
Today, House Democrats are introducing H.R. 9, legislation to prohibit the Trump Administration from withdrawing from the global climate agreement and embrace the goals set out previously by the United States to promote a cleaner environment, technological innovation, and twenty-first century economic leadership. 
I am pleased that the House and Senate have now approved bipartisan legislation to safeguard America’s public lands.  This is an example of what Democrats and Republicans can do when we work together in good faith. 
Climate change was conspicuously absent from Tuesday’s State of the Union address, and call us nostalgic for a bygone era (read: two years ago) when science was valued and not feared, but we wanted to be sure you saw NASA’s announcement that 2018 was the fourth warmest year on record.
The Trump Administration is once again having Americans believe, falsely, that they must choose between a strong economy and basic safeguards to protect public health through this new proposal to undermine the Clean Water Act.
I am proud to stand here with Chairman Grijalva, Mr. Huffman, Mr. Gallego, tribal leaders, and native Alaskans whose identity, culture, and way of life are deeply tied to their lands.