Frequently Asked Questions

Open Government
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Privacy Act (PA)
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)  


Directives Management  

What are Department Administrative Orders (DAO)?

DAOs are used for issuing continuing administrative policies, procedures, and requirements prescribed by the Office of the Secretary for Department-wide application, for application to two or more major program areas, or application to Departmental offices and operating units of the Department. DAOs cover substantive program matters and administrative management policy, procedures, and responsibilities.

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What are of Department Organization Orders (DOO)?

DOOs are used to establish, consolidate, abolish, or change offices comprising the Office of the Secretary (Departmental offices) and the primary and constituent operating units of the Department. They are used to establish the positions of Secretarial Officers, heads of Departmental offices, or heads of operating units, which are not otherwise established. DOOs are also used to delegate authority and assign duties and responsibilities to Secretarial Officers, heads of operating units, which are not otherwise established.

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What is the Office of Primary Interest (OPI)?

The OPI is the office responsible for preparing and maintaining the DAO or DOO and for having the expertise to answer questions regarding its provisions or subject area. The terms "OPI" and "preparing office" are synonymous.

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How often should they be reviewed?

DOAs should be reviewed for their validity every 3 to 5 years.

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Questions and Comments

Send Questions or Comments on the Commerce Office of Privacy and Open Government programs to

Office of Privacy and Open Government
Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce


Page last updated:October 28, 2016