NRL News Teaser
December 11, 2020

WASHINGTON — NRL joins the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division, and the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, to form the new Gulf Coast Tech Bridge, which spans four states—Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

NRL News Teaser
December 8, 2020

WASHINGTON – NRL intern with the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) used machine learning to improve Navy wave forecasting predictions.

NRL News Teaser
December 2, 2020

WASHINGTON — It was Dec. 2, 1995 when the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph, LASCO, was launched into space as part of the joint European Space Agency–NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO.

NRL News Teaser
November 18, 2020

WASHINGTON — NRL researchers led a team of scientists who discovered some of the youngest known radio jets launched by growing supermassive black holes.

NRL News Teaser
November 13, 2020

WASHINGTON — Stepping up in its role as the Navy’s Quantum Information Science Research Center, NRL is participating in two quantum collaboration meetings focusing on intragovernmental collaboration.

About NRL
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory provides the advanced scientific capabilities required to bolster our country’s position of global naval leadership. Here, in an environment where the nation’s best scientists and engineers are inspired to pursue their passion, everyone is focused on research that yields immediate and long-range applications in the defense of the United States.