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Solutions/Best Practices

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NEPA and Environmental Review

Re:NEPA Community of Practice / Online Forum

FHWA Environmental Review Toolkit

Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise

Environmental Streamlining/Stewardship

Improving the Quality of Environmental Documents; Report of the Joint AASHTO/ACEC Committee in Cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration

AASHTO Practitioner Handbooks:

  • 01 Maintaining a Project File and Preparing an Administrative Record for a NEPA Study
  • 02 Responding to Comments on an Environmental Impact Statement
  • 03 Managing the NEPA Process for Toll Lanes and Toll Roads
  • 04 Tracking Compliance with Environmental Commitments / Use of Environmental Monitors
  • 05 Utilizing Community Advisory Committees for NEPA Studies
  • 06 Consulting Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
  • 07 Defining the Purpose and Need and Determining the Range of Alternatives for Transportation Projects
  • 08 Developing and Implementing an Environmental Management System in a State Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • 09 Using the SAFETEA-LU Environmental Review Process (23 U.S.C. 139)
  • 10 Using the Transportation Planning Process to Support the NEPA Process
  • 11 Complying with Section 4(f) of the U.S. DOT Act
  • 12 Assessing Indirect Effects and Cumulative Impacts under NEPA
  • 13 Developing and Implementing a Stormwater Management Program in a Transportation Agency
  • 14 Applying the Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines in Transportation Project Decision-Making


Federal Aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies

Tribal Consultation Resource

In Their Own Light (PDF)

In Their Own Light Web Page


Real Estate Services

Owners & Tenants


Federal Aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies

Real Estate Exchange Online Forum

Mortgage Interest Differential Payment Calculators

The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act)

Uniform Act Frequently Asked Questions

Fixed Residential Moving Cost Schedule (2012)

Real Estate Acquisition Guide for Local Public Agencies

Relocation Assistance Low Income Calculations

FHWA Realty Project Development Guide

Flexibilities in Right-of-Way

Realty Competency Building Navigator

State Right of Way Manuals

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