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Lessons Learned

The following reports and other communications highlight lessons learned arising from programs and operations related to economic crises and other disasters, including the coronavirus pandemic.

S. Hrg. 113495: One Year Later: Examining the Ongoing Recovery from Hurricane Sandy

S. Hrg. 113495: ONE YEAR LATER: EXAMINING THE ONGOING RECOVERY FROM HURRICANE SANDY; 11/2013, the written testimony outlines on pages 6 - 8 (under subheading Coordination and subheading Challenges) issues around the lack of centralized reporting, the use of National Interest Action Codes for disaster contract spending, and the lack of similar coding for grant funding

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Crisis and Response: An FDIC History, 2008-2013

Crisis and Response: An FDIC History, 2008-2013 reviews the experience of the FDIC during a period in which the agency was confronted with two interconnected and overlapping crises -- first, a financial crisis in 2008 and 2009, and second, a banking crisis that began in 2008 and continued until 2013.

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Federal Spending Accountability: Preserving Capabilities of Recovery Operations Center Could Help Sustain Oversight of Federal Expenditures

Federal Spending Accountability: Preserving Capabilities of Recovery Operations Center Could Help Sustain Oversight of Federal Expenditures, a congressionally requested GAO report regarding the Department of the Treasury's decision not to invoke the section of the DATA Act which would have transferred the assets of the RAT Board Recovery Operations Center to the Department of the Treasury

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Acquisition, Development, and Construction (ADC) Loan Concentration Study (October 2012)

Acquisition, Development, and Construction (ADC) Loan Concentration Study (October 2012). The FDIC OIG evaluated FDIC-supervised institutions with significant ADC loan concentrations that did not fail during the economic downturn. We identified the factors that helped these banks mitigate the risks associated with ADC concentrations during periods of economic stress.

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Lessons Learned: CARES Act Awards

Lessons Learned from Indian Country

The DOI will award most of its CARES Act funding to Indian Country through grants to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). Of the $756 million, $522 million (69.0 percent) will be funded to Indian Country. As of June 13, 2020, $419,462,721, or 80.4 percent, had been obligated.

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CARES Act: Initial Areas of Concern Regarding Implementation of Unemployment Insurance Provisions

Advisory Report: CARES Act: Key Areas of Concern Regarding Implementation of Dislocated Worker Grant Provisions

Audit of Risks Associated with the Office of Justice Programs' Management of the Crime Victims Fund Grant Programs, Audit Report 17-36

Lessons Learned from Prior Reports on Disaster-related Procurement and Contracting

Lessons Learned from Implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The report provides ED OIG's perspective on challenges that were faced when administering education-related grant programs funded by the Recovery act, how the challenges were addressed, and what lessons should be considered in the event that legislation providing a large yet temporary funding increase (like the Recovery Act) is enacted in the future or for new or existing programs. View Full Report

Contingency Contracting: A Framework for Reform - 2015 Update

Agency for International Development Lessons Learned

This advisory notice poses key questions from past lessons learned for USAID to consider while planning and executing its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. View Full Report