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Maps of the sanctuary have been created in various formats over the years. Some show where the sanctuary is located, others show boundaries, and still others show the bathymetry of the sea floor.

This page includes:

Sanctuary Location
East Flower Garden Bank (EFGB)
West Flower Garden Bank (WFGB)
Stetson Bank (SB)

Additional Map pages:

Interactive GIS-based Map

Regional Maps
- Watershed
- Gulf of Mexico
- Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

Northwestern Gulf Banks
- 28 Fathom, Alderdice, Bright, Geyer, Horseshoe, MacNeil, McGrail, Rankin, and Sonnier Banks



Map of Gulf of Mexico showing location of Flower Garden Banks Naitonal Marine Sanctuary.
Locator Map for FGBNMS in the Gulf of Mexico (718kb jpg)


Image of Nautical Chart 11340
Image of NOAA Nautical Chart 11340, which includes parts of the Texas and Louisiana coastlines and Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (177kb jpg)

View NOAA Chart 11340 in NOAA's Online Chart Catalog

Download PDF of NOAA Chart 11340

Download PDF of NOAA Booklet Chart 11340
- a reduced scale NOAA nautical chart for small boaters


Section of Nautical chart 11340 zoomed in on the area around Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
Portion of NOAA Nautical Chart 11340 showing the area around Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
(1MB jpg)


Map showing location of sanctuary office in Galveston, TX

FGBNMS Office Location in Galveston, TX (145kb jpg)


Atlas style map of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary.  Inset map shows relative location to coastal United States in the Gulf of Mexico.
FGBNMS Atlas Map (555kb jpg)

top of page

Map showing location of all 14 sites in the National Marine Sanctuary System.  Includes North America and the tropical Pacific.

National Marine Sanctuaries System Map (155kb jpg)


Map showing weather buoy locations in relation to sanctuary.
Weather Buoys near FGBNMS (559kb jpg)

For more information on weather and data buoys near the sanctuary, please visit our Weather Buoy page.


Map showing location of shipping fairways in relation to sanctuary boundaries.
Shipping Fairways near FGBNMS (145kb jpg)

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Map showing location of oil and gas production platforms and pipelines in relation to sanctuary
Platforms and Pipelines surrounding FGBNMS (213kb jpg)


Map showing FDA advisory zones for ciguatera toxin in fish in the vicinity of the sanctuary
FDA Advisory Zones for Ciguatera Toxin in Fish ( 1.4MB jpg)

For additional information on the FDA Advisory regarding ciguatoxins in Gulf fish species, please visit our Ciguatera Information.

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Bathymetry map of East Flower Garden Bank showing an oblique view.  Color indicates depth.
EFGB Bathymetry Map, Oblique View (222kb jpg)


Bathymetry map of East Flower Garden Bank.  Color indicates depth.
EFGB Bathymetry Map (2MB jpg)


Bathymetric map showing buoy locations on the coral cap at East Flower Garden Bank.  Color indicates depth.  Number octagons represent buoys.
EFGB Mooring Buoy Map (6.2MB jpg)


Color coded map of East Flower Garden Bank showing locations of different types of habitat
EFGB Habitat Map - yellow=coral reef; red=algal nodules; green=coralline algal reefs; blue=deep coral zone (484kb jpg)

Bathymetry map of East and West Flower Garden Banks and the area in betwee, with black lines showing where ROVs have been exploring.
ROV Exploration Tracks at East and West Flower Garden
Banks and Horseshoe Bank
(504kb jpg)

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Bathymetry map of West Flower Garden Bank showing an oblique view.  Color indicates depth.
WFGB Bathymetry Map, Oblique View (216kb jpg)


Bathymetry of West Flower Garden Bank.  Color indicates depth.
WFGB Bathymetry Map (2.16MB jpg)


Hi-resolution bathymetric map of the coral cap at West Flower Garden Bank
High-resolution Bathymetry Map of WFGB Coral Cap (1.4MB jpg)


Bathymetric map showing buoy locations at West Flower Garden Bank.  Colors indicate depth. Number octagons represent buoys.
WFGB Mooring Buoy Map (6.8MB jpg)


Color coded map of West Flower Garden Bank showing locations of different types of habitat
WFGB Habitat Map - yellow=coral reef; red=algal nodules; green=coralline algal reefs; blue=deep coral zone (352kb jpg)

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Bathymetry map of Stetson Bank.  Color indicates depth.
SB Bathymetry Map (1.66MB jpg)


Bathymetry map showing mooring buoy locations at Stetson Bank.  Color indicates depth.  Numbered octagons represent buoys.
SB Mooring Buoy Map (6.02MB jpg)


Color coded map of Stetson Bank showing locations of different types of habitats
SB Habitat Map - pink=coral community zone;
blue=deep coral zone (288kb jpg)


Bathymetry map showing the tracks from ROV exploration around Stetson Bank.
SB Map with ROV Tracks (138kb jpg)


Map showing relative location of Stetson Bank to the Flower Garden Banks in the Gulf of Mexico.
Relative location of Stetson Bank to East and
West Flower Garden Banks (123kb jpg)

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weather report observations cool stuff get wet

Juvenile blue tang (fish).  Bright yellow body with irridescent blue marking around eye and at top edge of dorsal fin.
National Marine Sanctuary logo - a stylized whale tail above waves