Restoring Voting Rights

Voting Rights
Democrats are working to restore voting protections and ensure every American can exercise the right to vote.
Every election, Americans head to the polls to exercise their most fundamental right – the right to vote. Unfortunately, Republicans at the state and federal levels have launched an unprecedented attack on voting rights. Over the past few years, measures have been introduced by Republicans in state legislatures across the country that would make it harder for millions of eligible voters to register or vote. Congressional Republicans have worked to shut down the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), which was established by the Help America Vote Act in 2002.  The EAC helps states share and implement best practices in voting technology and provides resources to help protect voter data and keep voting accountable.
In addition, President Trump continues to make unsubstantiated claims that millions of Americans voted illegally in the last election, and he launched a commission to suppress voting and exclude millions of eligible voters from casting their ballot.  The commission is led by a state official known for purging voter rolls and making ballot access more restrictive, and one of the first acts of the commission was to demand Americans’ private information, which could be used to intimidate voters and restrict their right to vote.  Already, there have been reports of some voters de-registering in order to protect their personal information from being taken by the Trump Administration.
House Democrats will not stand for these partisan efforts to hinder access to the ballot. In December 2019, House Democrats passed the Voting Rights Advancement Act to restore the voting rights protections struck down by the Supreme Court in the flawed Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder. Earlier in 2019, the House passed H.R. 1, the For the People Act, which makes it easier for Americans to exercise their right to vote. House Democrats have also passed the Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act, legislation to safeguard our democracy and prevent foreign interference in our elections. The legislation authorizes a grant program to assist states in securing election infrastructure, among other provisions that improve the security and integrity of our elections.
House committees will continue to work on additional legislation to protect voting rights, strengthen election security, and stop continued efforts by foreign entities to subvert our democracy. 
Voting Rights Related
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have now crossed the 270-vote threshold to become the next President and Vice President of the United States.
Tonight’s Supreme Court decision should put an end to Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the results of the presidential election that he lost.
"It has now been one year since the Democratic-led House passed H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. 
With two weeks left before Election Day and millions of Americans already casting their ballots, President Donald Trump still has not indicated what his policy agenda would be for a second term.
Hi, this is Congressman Steny Hoyer, I’m the Majority Leader in the House of Representatives in Washington. Today is National Voter Registration Day. The right to vote is sacred, such a privilege. And it is the duty of every patriotic citizen to participate in our democracy by choosing leaders for our communities, our states, and our country.
…84,631 deaths since [the] Heroes [Act] passed…. No action in the Republican-controlled and led United States Senate. So, don't whine to me about what you want on the Floor. Don't whine to me about ‘we could have done this,’ ‘we could have done that,’ ‘we could have done the other.’ ….
One-hundred years ago today, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified as a part of our Constitution, guaranteeing that women would no longer be denied the right to vote under law.  
Fifty-five years ago today, President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law, bringing to fruition the goals of those who courageously marched with John Lewis in Selma and with Dr. King and so many others to Montgomery earlier that year. 
America does not have dictators who unlawfully cancel elections. President Trump has no power to cancel or delay the 2020 election, which will be held on November 3. This is something he would know had he read the Constitution he swore to protect and defend.
Wanted to be sure you saw this USA Today op-ed by House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) published today on how action is required on election security meausres to ensure democracy is not jepordized and every American can vote safely this Election Day. To read the post, click here or see below:
Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of this bill, and I thank Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and her extraordinary quest, keeping her eye on the prize to make sure that the citizens she represents have full citizenship. I’m proud to stand with her in supporting statehood for the people of the District of Columbia…I want to thank Mayor Bowser with whom I have been proud to work [with] to move this issue forward, with the leadership of Delegate Holmes Norton. I made clear when we announced that the House would consider this bill today, the people who call our nation's capital home have been disenfranchised and shortchanged for too long. Martin Luther king said how long? Too long. 
Thank you very much. I’m going to leave this mask on. This mask is about voting rights. This mask is about respect. This mask is about doing what our democracy demands: facilitating that everybody in America, every individual, every American citizen has the right to vote and to have their vote counted.
Yesterday, House Democrats announced that on Friday, June 26, the House will vote on H.R. 51 to designate the District of Columbia as a state and grant full representation to the over 700,000 Americans who live in the District. Here’s a look at what’s been said in the news:
The coronavirus outbreak has upended the routines of every American, forcing us to rethink how we live, work, and interact with one another. Ever resilient, our communities are adapting in innovative ways to ‘flatten the curve,’ save lives, and protect the livelihoods of our neighbors impacted by economic disruption.
The 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court to deny tens of thousands of Wisconsinites the chance to participate in today’s primary election is an outrageous example of voter suppression.
Thank you very much Chair [Carolyn] Maloney and Congresswoman [Eleanor Holmes] Norton. Thank you very much for your leadership, your tenacity, and your focus, and your impetus to this particular piece of legislation.
The President campaigned on numerous promises to the American people, and four years into his presidency, he is letting the American people down on pledge after pledge. Ahead of tonight’s State of the Union Address, here’s a look at what the President promised he would deliver to the American people and how he has fallen short with policies that put the wealthiest ahead of working families:
Madam Chair, thank you very much. Madam Mayor, Chairman [Phil] Mendelson, and others who are here at the table, thank you very much for your presence. I want to thank the Chairman Cummings and Ranking Member Jordan and certainly [Congresswoman] Eleanor Holmes Norton, my colleague and very close friend who has been a champion of this for her entire life as well as her career in Congress of the United States.  
Sunday marked 200 days of a Democratic Majority in the House of Representatives, and in that time, Democrats have made significant progress on behalf of the American people. Democrats have spent the past 200 days advancing our For the People agenda: taking action to lower health care costs and the price of prescription drugs, raise wages, and clean up corruption. Take a look at how Democrats have made progress For the People: 
This week, the House continued its work to fund the government. We have now passed ten of the twelve appropriations bills for the Fiscal Year 2020, which fund 96% of the government.
I was proud to bring the SAFE Act to the Floor today, and now that the House has passed it, I urge the Senate to do the same.  As we look ahead to the 2020 federal election, Congress and the Administration have a responsibility to ensure that every American’s right to vote will be protected and that our voting systems are safe from foreign cyberattacks. 
Today’s Supreme Court decision only further highlights the need for national, comprehensive redistricting reform.
Yesterday, the Democratic-led House joined an amicus brief in support of residents of the District of Columbia seeking recognition of their fundamental right to Congressional representation.
[Justice] Ruth Bader Ginsberg in the Shelby v. Holder case said that the Majority’s opinion was like having an umbrella, and because they weren’t getting wet, they took it down.