Peace Corps Volunteer

The immersive Volunteer experience

The Peace Corps Volunteer program is often called life-defining by the more than 230,000 Americans who have served. Get the chance to fully integrate into a host country community, where you will live and work on projects ranging from education to business development.

U.S. citizens 18 and older who are curious about the world and committed to helping others
We want the best person for each job representing the diversity of our nation.
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During my first service, I was surprised to be the first Black American that so many people from Lesotho had met, but our meeting gave them real-life exposure to our sorely misrepresented culture, which they had only viewed through the media. In Ukraine, I had the chance to do the same: I became someone’s window into America.

Byron L. Williams, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Lesotho and Ukraine
Core expectations for Volunteers

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Youth in Development Volunteer

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Agriculture Extension Agent

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English Education Volunteer

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Peace Corps Volunteer FAQs

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Opportunities are available for individuals with a combination...
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Language requirements vary by job opportunity, and any requirements...
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No, there is no upper age limit to Peace Corps service...
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