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Division News

Earth Sciences Remembers Dr. Franco Einaudi

Photo of Franco EinaudiWe are sad to announce the loss of Dr. Franco Einaudi who passed away on December 10, 2020. Dr. Einaudi served as the Director of the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Division from 2000 to 2010 after joining Goddard in 1987 and serving in several prior leadership positions. He is remembered with respect and admiration across the Division.

His obituary can be found online here.

Lau Elected Fellow of the AAAS

Dr. William K.M. Lau (GSFC Emeritus and former Deputy Director for Atmospheres) was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS): "For profound contributions to the understanding of atmospheric low frequency oscillations, monsoon dynamics, aerosol-monsoon interaction, and hydroclimate variability and change, through original data analysis and modeling.”

Ralph Kahn Named 2020 AGU Fellow

Congratulations to Dr. Ralph Kahn of the Climate and Radiation Laboratory for his election as a 2020 AGU Fellow. AGU’s announcement states: “The members of this year’s class of Fellows have made exceptional contributions in our Earth and space sciences community through breakthrough, discovery, or innovation in their disciplines. Since 1962, AGU has elected fewer than 0.1% of members to join this prestigious group of individuals.Thanks to their dedication and sacrifice, AGU Fellows serve as global leaders and experts who have propelled our understanding of geosciences.” That describes Ralph perfectly, and we are honored to have another AGU Fellow in the Division.
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Earth Day 2020

Earth Day 50th anniversary image


The Earth Sciences Division at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center plans, organizes, evaluates, and implements a broad program of research on our planet's natural systems and processes. Major focus areas include climate change, severe weather, the atmosphere, the oceans, sea ice and glaciers, and the land surface.

To study the planet from the unique perspective of space, the Earth Science Division develops and operates remote-sensing satellites and instruments. We analyze observational data from these spacecraft and make it available to the world's scientists. Our Education and Public Outreach efforts raise public awareness of the Division's research and its benefits to society.

For further information, data, research, and other resources, see Earth Sciences Research.

Contact Us

Laura L Winter
Secretary [610]
Christina L Beeg
Administrative Assistant [610]

General inquiries about the scientific programs at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center may be directed to the Center Office of Communications at 1.301.286.8955.

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