
Contact Us
USTDA focuses on traditional and renewable energy sources, as well as electricity transmission and distribution. Through smart grid development, gas-fired power projects, refinery modernization and energy storage, USTDA helps countries optimize resources and strengthen markets. This also creates unique opportunities for cutting-edge U.S. suppliers.
photo of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
USTDA Reopens in Papua New Guinea, Supports Power Grid Modernization
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Upcoming Events
Reverse Trade Mission: Brazil Transmission and Substation Technologies
Washington, D.C. | Atlanta, GA
Reverse Trade Mission: Brazil Transmission and Substation Technologies
Reverse Trade Mission: Brazil Power Plant Modernization
Reverse Trade Mission: Brazil Power Plant Modernization
Reverse Trade Mission: Egypt Petroleum Sector Health and Safety
Houston, TX | Washington, DC
Reverse Trade Mission: Egypt Petroleum Sector Health and Safety
Business Briefing: Brazil Transmission and Substation Technologies
Atlanta, GA
Business Briefing: Brazil Transmission and Substation Technologies
Business Briefing: Egypt Petroleum Sector Health and Safety Reverse Trade Mission
Houston, TX
Business Briefing: Egypt Petroleum Sector Health and Safety Reverse Trade Mission
Reverse Trade Mission: Algeria Oil and Gas Production Enhancement
Houston & Midland, TX | San Francisco, CA
Reverse Trade Mission: Algeria Oil and Gas Production Enhancement
Current RFPs
Brazil: Energisa Metering Master Plan Technical Assistance
November 12, 2020 - January 11, 2021
Brazil: Energisa Metering Master Plan Technical Assistance

Press Releases

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USTDA Announces 2021 Indo-Pacific Energy Sector Strategy
Press Release

Hanoi, Vietnam – The U.S. Trade and Development Agency today declared its 2021 strategic vision for supporting new energy sector infrastructure across the Indo-Pacific region.…

USTDA Launches Call for Initial Proposals to Expand Africa Initiatives
Press Release

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency issued a call for initial proposals to expand its grant-based support for feasibility studies, technical…

USTDA Announces New Export Multiplier, Highest ROI in Agency History
Press Release

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency announced another record-breaking return on its investment and the highest since its founding in 1992.…

USTDA Announces New Presence in Africa, Plans for Indo-Pacific Expansion
Press Release

Arlington, VA – The U.S. Trade and Development Agency today announced the opening of its newest overseas presence in Nairobi, Kenya, and the creation of…

USTDA Hosts 2020 Indo-Pacific Business Forum
Press Release

Arlington, VA – The U.S. Trade and Development Agency announced its sponsorship of the 2020 Indo-Pacific Business Forum, which will be hosted virtually and in-person…

Trade Leads

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Success Stories
Nighttime photo of the Alaşehir geothermal power plant in Turkey
USTDA Helps Launch Latest Geothermal Power Plant in Turkey

Following a decade of bringing new power plants online to meet its growing demands for electricity, the nation of Turkey now has the fourth-largest geothermal…

USTDA Helps Launch Latest Geothermal Power Plant in Turkey
photo of a smart meter
American Technology, USTDA Feasibility Study Improve Power Delivery in Colombia

The Valle de Cauca province, located along Colombia’s Pacific coast, is home to a population of nearly 4.6 million, with the country’s third-largest economy. In…

American Technology, USTDA Feasibility Study Improve Power Delivery in Colombia
photo of a biomass shredder
Success in Thailand: USTDA Advances American Biomass Technology

Southeast Asia’s rapid economic growth and industrialization have increased the demand for energy, which is why USTDA is promoting American biomass technologies to help the…

Success in Thailand: USTDA Advances American Biomass Technology