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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

OJJDP News @ a Glance

The September/October issue highlights gang violence prevention, a tribal youth leader, the Bigs in Blue mentoring program, and a new, streamlined system for managing Department of Justice grants.
Message From the Administrator
Official photo of OJJDP Administrator Caren Harp

September/October 2020

Top Story: How OJJDP Is Informing, Equipping, and Training Communities To Suppress Gang Activity

Gang crime and violence continue to impact communities across the United States. OJJDP’s anti-gang initiatives combine prevention, intervention, and suppression programs to help identify and address the root causes of youth gang activity within affected communities.

Youth Voices: Sonwai Wakayuta

Sonwai Wakayuta, a student at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, KS, recently cohosted one of three virtual town halls for tribal youth. United National Indian Tribal Youth organized the events in collaboration with OJJDP.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Locate upcoming trainings, conferences, and other juvenile justice-related events.
Looking for Funding?

Looking for Funding?

Learn more about OJJDP funding opportunities and funding awards.

Did You Know?

Opioid use was involved in almost 70 percent of the nearly 67,400 drug overdose deaths in 2018. For more information on how OJJDP is working to break the cycles of addiction and crime and help save lives, read the recently released fact sheet, Supporting Youth and Families Impacted by Opioid Abuse.

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