
Insights into the topics and trends that are transforming the housing industry

Transcript: Freddie Mac CEO Discusses Third Quarter Financial and Business Results

Freddie Mac delivered a strong third quarter performance while supporting the housing market and families affected by the pandemic.

David Brickman
David Brickman

Our Work During COVID has Helped Families Keep their Homes

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues Freddie Mac has worked closely with our servicers to provide affected homeowners with options to stay in their homes.

Kevin Palmer
Kevin Palmer
SVP, Single-Family Portfolio Management

In Times of Crisis, #HelpStartsHere

There’s no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented economic hardship for so many, including those struggling to make their mortgage payments.

Donna Corley
Donna Corley
Executive Vice President, Head of Single-Family Business

Providing Unprecedented Liquidity and Stability to the Mortgage Market Throughout the Crisis

Over the last week, there has been significant discussion about the two companies where we serve as CEOs, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the independent regulator and conservator that oversees us, the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The issues raised are too important for us not to address.

David Brickman
CEO, Freddie Mac
Hugh R. Frater
CEO, Fannie Mae

Transcript: Freddie Mac CEO Discusses Second Quarter Financial and Business Results

Freddie Mac continued to respond to unprecedented challenges while serving its mission in the second quarter.

David Brickman
David Brickman

Our 50 Year Milestone

Milestones provide an important opportunity to pause, take stock of the past and look ahead to the challenges and opportunities the future holds.

David Brickman
David Brickman

Tracking the Economy in
Real-Time During the Pandemic

Even in the best of times, forecasts are extraordinarily difficult. However, these are hardly the best of times, and the ongoing uncertainty means these projections may be more unclear than usual.

Sam Khater
Sam Khater
Vice President and Chief Economist, Economic & Housing Research

Reflecting on Recent Events

The last few weeks have been ones of deep reflection, sadness and anger in the wake of the tragic killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.

David Brickman
David Brickman

Transcript: Freddie Mac CEO Addresses Pandemic Response in Q1 Earnings Discussion

Freddie Mac responded to unprecedented challenges while serving its mission in the first quarter.

David Brickman
David Brickman

Transcript: Freddie Mac CEO Discusses Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2019 Financial Results

In 2019, Freddie Mac delivered solid earnings, with strong returns and executed on our mission of providing liquidity, stability and affordability to the housing market.

David Brickman
David Brickman

Another Strong Year for Multifamily

In 2019, Freddie Mac’s total Optigo production volume reached $78.4 billion and our securitization volume was a record $75.5 billion. As we look to the new year, Freddie Mac Multifamily is poised to continue leading the way.

Deborah Jenkins
Deborah Jenkins
EVP Head of Multifamily Business

What Will 2020 Bring for the Housing Market?

Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist addresses key topics including mortgage rates, home prices, home sales, housing supply, and affordability.

Sam Khater
Sam Khater
Vice President and Chief Economist, Economic & Housing Research