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​As neighbors, professionals, and fellow stewards of the Pacific Northwest's natural resources, BPA’s dedicated staff strive to continually improve the environmental performance of our power, transmission, and fish and wildlife activities.

BPA’s Environment, Fish and Wildlife organization oversees this work for BPA. We have four major functions in EFW:

Fish and Wildlife ​​Environmental Analysis

Fish and Wildlife partners with states, tribal, federal and local governments, non-profit entities and others to implement hundreds of actions to restore habitat, protect land and water, improve passage at the dams and operate state-of-the-art salmon and steelhead hatcheries.

Environmental Services is responsible for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis. This group analyzes potential effects of our proposed actions on air, water, wetlands, endangered species, the social environment and economies and identifies appropriate mitigation and environmental protections.

​Cultural Resources ​​Pollution Prevention and Abatement

Cultural Resources identifies and evaluates  archaeological, historic, and traditional Native American sites potentially affected by our transmission, fish and wildlife, dam and reservoir operations and mitigating  the impacts of our actions on these sites.

Pollution Prevention and Abatement  provides environmental compliance and pollution prevention oversight for the operation and maintenance of BPA’s transmission system.