Tag: phishing

Una de las tretas favoritas de los estafadores oportunistas es hacerse pasar por representantes de una organización confiable y respetada. Recientemente tuvimos noticias de negocios que han recibido emails que se están aprovechando del buen...

A favorite trick for rip-off artists is to pretend to represent a trustworthy and respected organization. Today — and we mean that literally — we’re hearing from businesses that have received email exploiting the good name of the Federal Trade...

The Federal Trade Commission cracked down on a massive international scam that tricked tens of thousands of computer users into believing their computers were riddled with malware and then paying the scammers hundreds of dollars to “fix” the...

Como nueva modalidad, los estafadores están utilizando el teléfono para intentar acceder a su computadora. Llaman, haciéndose pasar por técnicos de computación relacionados con empresas muy conocidas como Microsoft. Dicen que han detectado un...

In a recent twist, scam artists are using the phone to try to break into your computer. They call, claiming to be computer techs associated with well-known companies like Microsoft. They say that they’ve detected viruses or other malware on your...

Each year, telemarketing scammers target millions of people with offers for credit, "free" prizes and more to get them to wire money or give up their account information. Know the warning signs of phone fraud.

Chances are, you did not win a million dollars in a lottery you don't recall entering. Nor do you have a bevy of "free" prizes waiting for you as a reward for being a valued customer. So, if a telemarketer calls with this kind of news and asks...

A phisher visits a clothing store in hopes of getting a shopper's financial information. To learn more, check out Phishing.

Phishing can happen when you least expect it — even at the office. To learn more, check out Phishing.

A phisher pays an unexpected visit to someone's home. To learn more, check out Phishing.
