Press Release ● Jobs and Economy
For Immediate Release: 
December 10, 2020
Contact Info: 
Mariel Saez 202-225-3130
WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement on today's unemployment insurance claims report:

“This week’s unemployment insurance claims report ought to set off alarm bells across the country. It is clear that Republicans’ obstruction of COVID-19 relief has had a severely negative impact on employment, which is not recovering and, in fact, is worsening. Those who were already doing well before the pandemic are on track to do well again; those who were struggling are now facing steep job losses and the prospect of emergency aid running out. As many as 12 million Americans will lose their unemployment assistance on the day after Christmas if Congress does not take immediate action. At the same time, this pandemic is breaking records across the country for new case and new deaths. 
“Unbelievably, Republicans want their Christmas present to be another round of short-term uncertainty by offering those on unemployment insurance only a one-month extension. Instead, we ought to be providing necessary relief to struggling families and small businesses to help them stay afloat until such time as a new vaccine is widely deployed and makes it safe to reopen. If it had not been for the irresponsible and failed approach to this pandemic by the Trump Administration, we would not be in this position of needing to take such bold action - but action we must now take. The House remains ready to keep doing its job on COVID-19 relief. It is time for the Republican Senate to step up and do its job as well.”