United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Homeless Veterans

HUD-VASH Eligibility Criteria

HUD-VASH Eligibility Criteria

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Veterans who are appropriate for this program must be VA health care eligible Veterans. VA eligibility makes this determination.

Veterans must meet the definition of homelessness defined in The McKinney Homeless Assistance Act as amended by S. 896 The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act of 2009. 

Veterans who are appropriate candidates for this program must need case management services in order to obtain and sustain independent community housing. Veterans who need case management services have serious mental illness, substance use disorder history, or physical disability. Veterans with the most vulnerability are excellent candidates for this program.

Eligible candidates for the program are expected to participate in case management and utilize the supportive services, treatment recommendations and assistance needed to successfully maintain recovery and sustain housing in the community. Case Management is the heart of this program and is a requirement for participation in the HUD-VASH voucher program.

VA determines clinical eligibility for the program. The PHA determines if the Veteran participant meets HUD’s regulations for this program. The PHA will determine eligibility based on income limits. Also, the PHA will determine if any member of the household is required to maintain Lifetime Sexual Offender Registry status – those who do are not eligible to participate in this program.

HUD-VASH provides permanent housing for eligible homeless Veterans who are single or eligible homeless Veterans with families. The program is developed for the homeless Veteran, so eligible Veteran families must include the Veteran.

Because HUD-VASH provides for Veterans with medical, mental health and/or substance use disorders, eligible Veterans must be able to complete activities of daily living and live independently in the community with case management and supportive services.

To apply for HUD-VASH, please contact your local VA Homeless Program. Veterans can contact the HUD-VASH program directly, or obtain a referral from a case manager in another VA program, from a community program, or other referral sources.