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 2019-2020 Most Wanted List

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The MOST WANTED LIST, the NTSB’s premier advocacy tool, identifies the top safety improvements that can be made across all modes to prevent accidents, minimize injuries, and save lives in the future. These issue areas are ripe for action now; if addressed, they would make a significant impact.

The MOST WANTED LIST is our road map from lessons learned to lives saved. We urge lawmakers, industry, and every American to learn more about what they can do to implement and champion these critical safety improvements.

Click on each issue area image below for more information and to download the factsheet.

Most Wanted List video on the NTSB YouTube Channel

Most Wanted List Kickoff Event on the NTSB YouTube Channel


Most Wanted List - Related Safety Recommendations

We have also created a brochure to provide a listing of open NTSB recommendations​ associated with the 10 Most Wanted List (MWL) issues. The recommendations are grouped by each MWL issue.





2019-2020 Wanted List Issue Areas

Image for MWL issue, Eliminate Distractions
Image for MWL issue, Reduce Fatigue-Related Accidents
Image for MWL issue, Improve the Safety of Part 135 Aircraft Flight Operations.
Image for MWL issue, Fully Implement Positive Train Control.
Image for MWL issue, Eliminate distractions.
Image for MWL issue, Increase Implementation of Collision Avoidance Systems in All New Highway Vehicles
Image for MWL issue, Implement a Comprehensive Strategy to Reduce Speeding-Related Crashes.
Image for MWL issue, Require Medical Fitness-Screen for and Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Image for MWL issue, Strengthen Occupant Protection.
Image for MWL issue, Ensure the Safe Shipment of Hazardous Materials.


Report on the Methodology of the NTSB Most Wanted List

Most Wanted List archives
