Sanctuary Videos

A table top display about the sanctuary with pieces of coral on display
A pink-tipped anemone seen 180 feet underwater at East Flower Garden Bank. (Image: FGBNMS/UNCW-UVP)

Because of its remote location, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary is a site most people will never see in person. Videos of the sanctuary are the next best thing to being there. Be sure to check back with us every so often and see what else we've added to our video collection!

Below are links to several video pages that show off the spectacular variety of life within the sanctuary, as well as a few other odds and ends. In addition to these dedicated video pages, you will also find videos embedded in other parts of our website to help tell our story.

Sanctuary Video Series

Opening screen of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary introductory video

Flower Garden Banks Video Series (English)

Educational videos with narration and subtitles:

  • Introduction to the Sanctuary
  • Coral Reefs
  • Underwater Snowstorms (coral spawning)
  • Mantas and Sharks
  • Twilight Zone
Opening screen of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary introductory video in Spanish

Flower Garden Banks Video Series (Spanish)

Videos educacionales con narraciónes y subtítulos:

  • Introducción al Santuario
  • Arrecifes de Coral
  • Nieves Submarinas (desove de coral)
  • Tiburones y Manta Rayas
  • Área Nebulosa

Wildlife Videos

A green moray peeking out from a coral cave

Fish Videos

This page includes videos of:

  • Fish Cleaning Station
  • Green Moray
  • Lionfish Survey
  • Balloonfish
  • Sanctuary Fish Highlights
An octopus blending it with its surroundings

Invertebrate Videos

This page includes videos of:

  • Octopus Hiding in Plain Sight
  • Octopus & Squid
  • Moon Jellies
  • Sanctuary Invertebrate Highlights
  • Sea Hares
A manta ray swimming above the reef

Shark & Ray Videos

This page includes videos of:

  • Manta Rays
  • Mobula Rays
  • Sandbar Sharks
  • Spotted Eagle Rays
  • Rays
  • Sharks

A star coral releasing egg bundles

Spawning Videos

This page includes videos of:

  • 2013 Coral Spawning Cruise
  • Brittle Stars Spawning
  • Corals Spawning
  • Sponges Spawning
  • Christmas Tree Worms Spawning
Loggerhead sea turtle swimming over ridges at Stetson Bank

Sea Turtle Videos

This page includes videos of:

  • Sea Turtles
  • Saving an Entangled Sea Turtle
  • Rehabilitated Hawksbill Releases

Other Videos

A remotely operated vehicle moving above a reef

Other Videos

This page includes video of:

  • Mohawk ROV
  • Salt Dome Formation
  • Dolphins at Stetson Bank
  • Dolphins Riding Bow Waves
  • Long-Term Monitoring Activities
  • Secret Reef Exhibit at Tennessee Aquarium
  • Repetitive Photo Station Sequence