Two people shaking hands, focused in on hands.
Services for Trade Event Organizers

Enhance Your Global Reach | Expand Recruitment | Build Your Global Reputation


Services for Trade Event Organizers

Enhance your global reach and expand recruitment at your next trade show, U.S. pavilion, expo, or business conference. The International Trade Administration offers organizers of trade shows, U.S. Pavilions, expos, and conferences two different ways to participate to expand your global reputation. 

Download the Program Flyer

Explore the Two Ways to Participate

Learn about the two customizable participation options for organizers of trade shows, U.S. Pavilions, expos, and conferences

Take the Next Step

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Get Started
If you are ready to get started, please answer a few questions, and we will acknowledge your interest within two business days. 
image of a women on the phone
Get in Touch
If you’re not sure which package of services might be right for you, or if you have questions, please contact us.
magnifying glass with the words frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to frequently asked questions regarding the partnership and individual services.

Trade Event Partnership Program

Upcoming Events

ITA partners with trade show organizers and U.S. Pavilion organizers to promote U.S. company interests at trade shows around the globe and in all industries. See the list of our Trade Show Partnership Program events to find out where ITA will be and how to engage with our experts at the shows you will be attending. We look forward to seeing you there!