United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Academic Affiliations

Hartford Geriatric Social Work Scholars Program

VA Advanced Fellowships Programs

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) offers a limited number of eligible PhD-level social workers from Veterans Health Administration to participate in the Hartford Geriatric Social Work Scholars Program administered by GSA and funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation. This prestigious program provides mentorship and development for post-doctoral social workers pursuing academic and advanced, applied research, and/or policy careers involving issues of aging.

What is the Geriatric Social Work Scholars Program?

This two-year mentored research leadership program provides:

  • faculty development institutes and workshops several times each year addressing research issues in aging and health care
  • a nationally recognized research mentor selected by the Program to assist the Scholar's research and career development
  • participation in an ongoing community of peers and mentors to advance knowledge and practice to improve the nation's health and the profession.

Hartford/VA scholars will participate fully in the program. More information about the program is found at http://www.gswi.org/programs/hfs.html *.

Who is eligible?

Applications to the Scholars Program will be accepted from doctoral level VA employees who have at least one graduate degree from a social work program and have an interest in issues of aging. In addition to their VA appointment, they may also hold a rank of assistant or associate professor at an affiliated academic institution, such as a School of Social Work or Medicine. VA employees holding rank of full professor are not eligible. Priority is given to applicants who show demonstrated leadership potential and who are at a stage in their development where they can benefit from the intensive exposure to issues in research and gerontological content. For example, the program has funded Scholars who have recently finished their doctoral work and also have funded some educators and researchers who are turning their focus towards aging. Ordinarily, applicants should be no more than 12 years from acquiring their doctorates, but exceptions can be considered. In addition to the Program-selected research mentor, each applicant must identify a local VA mentor (not necessarily a social worker).

A VA appointment is required prior to starting the Hartford Scholars Program but is not required at the time of application. Part time VA appointments are acceptable to meet eligibility criteria.

What is the application process?

VA employees stating interest in applying to the Hartford Scholars Program must first receive approval of eligibility from VA Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA). The following must be submitted to OAA no later than November1, 2011, prior to writing the application:

  • Cover letter from candidate stating interest in program and describing the following:
    • Is in any paid VA staff appointment or is a VA Advanced Fellow.
    • Must qualify for license by the time of program completion.
    • Must possess a Ph.D. from a social work program or a Ph.D. from any relevant, health related field. If the Ph.D. is not from a social work program, the applicant must have a Masters Degree in social work.
    • Must have local VA leadership support, and commitment for protection of time needed to participate in research activities and Hartford Scholar required curriculum meetings.
    • Current contact information including physical address, e-mail address, and telephone number.
  • Letter of support from local VA mentor approved through VAMC Designated Education Officer (or ACOS/Education) and Facility Director. This letter of support shall address at least:
    • Local VA mentor background, including prior mentorship experience
    • Local VA mentor time commitment to support this application
    • Institutional commitment for participant's time, space, and equipment required for program participation
  • Applicant CV

The OAA review is to determine that the candidate meets VA and program eligibility requirements. After successful OAA review, the candidate will be authorized to complete the application materials defined by and submitted directly to the Faculty Scholars Program. The deadline for submission of the complete application materials to Hartford Faculty Scholars Program is February 1, 2012.

Process for Travel Funding for VA Participants in Hartford Scholars Program

Prior to each episode of travel, the VA employee will be required to submit VA form 0893 Advance Legal Review of Nonfederal Travel Support.

Completion of this form would include the following:

  • Information about the donor: Hartford Foundation / Gerontological Society of America
  • Point of contact: Julia Meashey, MA
  • Mailing address: 1220 L Street NW, Suite 901 Washington DC 20005
  • Email: jmeashey@geron.org
  • Organization website: http://www.gswi.org/
  • Phone: 202 587-2837
  • Information about the Meeting or Event Sponsored by the Donor: Fill all details related to the travel and role of the scholar at the event.
  • Reimbursement / Expenses: the employee/scholar will need obtain from the Hartford Foundation an estimate of the value of the airline tickets, lodging, meals, etc. OAA Advanced Fellowship Office will support the VA participants in navigating this process. It’s our expectation that the first time through will be a bit rough, but after that everybody will have templates and be familiar with the process.

The VA employee will initiate their travel request using VA’s standard mechanisms for approval and reimbursement for official travel, which at present involves use of software called FedTraveler. This will provide official travel orders and assure documentation that the employee is in Temporary Duty Travel status during their participation.

Hartford Foundation provides airline tickets, lodging, meals, perhaps other needs that they desire as a gift-in-kind directly to the VA employee (i.e. Hartford can provide the ticket, room or meal itself, but the participating VA employee cannot accept money from Hartford Foundation).

For remainder of expenses, such as any transportation, meals, or miscellaneous expenses not provided by Hartford Foundation directly to the VA employee, the employee shall seek reimbursement through the voucher process on FedTraveler. All such expenses are subject to Federal limitations and requirements, if any, for the specific expense. For example, first class travel is forbidden without prior high-level approval. Employee shall waive request for reimbursement from VA for any of the gifts-in-kind, including meals, provided directly by Hartford Foundation.

Upon approval of the submitted voucher, VA shall reimburse the employee. The local VA facility shall then submit to Hartford Foundation a letter specifying the amount of the agency’s expenditure, along with whatever justification and receipts are required by Hartford Foundation.

Hartford Foundation may choose to reimburse the local VA facility for the submitted expenses, noting any instructions provided about how to specify the purpose of the payment when that is provided to VA. 6. The VA station will maintain records about the gifts provided so that they can report these activities on the Semi-Annual report to the Office of Government Ethics on non-Federal travel support.

For more information please contact the Advanced Fellowships Center Office:

Director: Stuart Gilman, MD, MPH 
Assistant Director: Jeffrey Cully, PhD 
Administrative Officer: Deborah Ludke, MHA 
Office of Academic Affiliations (14)
Department of Veterans Affairs Central Office
Advanced Fellowships and Professional Development
Department of Veterans Affairs Central Office
VA Medical Center (11/111)
5901 East Seventh Street
Long Beach, CA 90822
Telephone 562-826-5492
Fax 562-826-5932


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