Program 101

What does this program do?

The program helps remote Alaskan Villages provide safe, reliable drinking water and waste disposal systems for households and businesses.

Who may apply?

  • Rural Alaskan Villages  7 CFR 1780.49(b)(2)
  • State of Alaska for the benefit of a rural Alaskan Village or hub

What is an eligible Area?

The project must serve a rural Alaskan Village or hub with:

  • Population of 10,000 or less (Check eligible addresses)
  • The median household income less than 110% of the statewide non-metropolitan household income according to latest Census data

Are there other requirements?

The grant must be used to remedy a dire sanitation condition such as:

  • Recurring instances of waterborne communicable disease
  • No community-wide water and sewer system exists and individual residents must haul water to, or human waste from their homes or use outhouses

How may the funds be used?

  • To pay up to 75% of the project costs to provide drinking water or waste disposal services

Are matching funds required?

  • The State of Alaska or local contributions must provide at least 25% of the project costs

How do we get started?

  • Applications for this program are accepted through your local RD office year round.
  • Program Resources are available online (includes forms needed, guidance, certifications etc.)

Who can answer questions?

What governs this program?

  • Code of Federal Regulation, 7 CFR 1780, Section 306D
  • This program is authorized by Section 306D of the Agricultural Act of 1961 and Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (CONACT)

Why does USDA Rural Development do this?

This program helps extend access to clean, reliable water and waste disposal systems for households and businesses in remote and extremely isolated parts of the United States. Many Alaskan villages can only be accessed by boat or plane, making them virtually inaccessible during the long winters.  Weather and distance also make construction costs abnormally high and in some cases permafrost requires the construction of utility tunnels or insulated heated pipe above ground in order to provide basic services.