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The Write Your Own (WYO) Program

This page contains links to information about the National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Write Your Own Program, including a link to a list of property and casualty insurance companies that can write and service the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP).

The WYO Program began in 1983 as a cooperative undertaking between the private insurance industry and FEMA, and allows participating property and casualty insurance companies to write and service the SFIP in their own names. The companies receive an expense allowance for policies written and claims processed while the federal government retains responsibility for underwriting losses. The WYO Program operates as part of the NFIP and is subject to its rules and regulations.

The goals of the WYO Program are to:

  • Increase the NFIP policy base and the geographic distribution of policies;
  • Improve service to NFIP policyholders through the infusion of insurance industry knowledge;
  • Provide the insurance industry with direct operating experience with flood insurance.