United States Department of Agriculture

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is there a charge for TARGET services?
  2. Are the technologies on display in the TARGET Center available for purchase?
  3. Can I try TARGET’s technologies at my desk?
  4. Can I use a TARGET Center scooter? How can I get one?
  5. I live in Texas and work for the Forest Service. Can I use the TARGET Center?
  6. Are TARGET staff available for presentations? How do I arrange one?
  7. Is the TARGET Center open to the public?
  8. Do I have to have an appointment to visit the TARGET Center
  9. I’d like to see what is in the TARGET Center, but I don't live near one. Where can I get more information?
  10. Who pays for my Reasonable Accommodations?
  11. I am just coming back to work after a severe car accident. I am afraid I will not be able to do my job with my new injuries. Can you help me?
  12. How do I know if I have a qualified disability?
  13. I have aches and pains at the end of the work day, and suspect it may be from how I'm using my computer. How can TARGET help?
  1. Is there a charge for TARGET services?
    No. The USDA TARGET Center is a free program for USDA employees.

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  2. Are the technologies on display in the TARGET Center available for purchase?
    The TARGET Center is a disability resource center, for employees to learn about information technology products and services. The TARGET Center provides information only and does not endorse products or vendors. While the technology is for demonstration purposes only, some are available for loan and TARGET Staff can provide clients with information on how to obtain the technology.

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  3. Can I try TARGET’s technologies at my desk?
    Yes, TARGET recommends trying products before purchasing. TARGET loans ergonomic equipment (keyboards, pointing devices) and assistive technology whenever possible. Ergo chairs are available to Headquarters employees only. Most software cannot be borrowed due to licensing issues but we can often obtain free trial versions that can be loaded on your computer.

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  4. Can I use a TARGET Center scooter? How can I get one?
    TARGET has several scooters available to USDA employees for loan. Please contact the TARGET Center to determine availability.

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  5. I live in Texas and work for the Forest Service. Can I use the TARGET Center?
    Yes. The TARGET Center's services are available to for all USDA employees.

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  6. Are TARGET staff available for presentations? How do I arrange one?
    Yes. TARGET staff can be scheduled for presentations on Section 508, Reasonable Accommodation, the CAP Partnership, Ergonomics, Adobe Accessibility, and much more. TARGET also holds several training seminars in the center on a regular basis. Check our Calendar of Events to find out what's happening in the TARGET Center.

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  7. Is the TARGET Center open to the public?
    The USDA strives to be a model agency for employing people with disabilities. We encourage people who want to learn about available accommodations and assistive technologies to contact the TARGET Center and/or stop by. Specific TARGET services, such as loans, are available only to USDA employees.

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  8. Do I have to have an appointment to visit the TARGET Center?
    Not at all. If you want to see specific AT, or have a group tour of the TARGET Center, we ask that you call ahead and schedule a time.

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  9. I'd like to see what is in the TARGET Center, but I don't live near one. Where can I get more information?
    For clients who cannot travel to one of the TARGET Centers, there is an accessible online video tour of the Headquarters Center and our services. Videos cover TARGET services and assistive technology workstations in our center.

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  10. Who pays for my Reasonable Accommodations?
    In the past, reasonable accommodations were paid for by the agency of the employee. Many of these costs have been eliminated by the new USDA/CAP partnership that provides free AT to qualified employees with a disability. See our Requesting Assistive Technology page for more information.

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  11. I am just coming back to work after a severe car accident. I am afraid I will not be able to do my job with my new injuries. Can you help me?
    There is virtually no job that a person with a disability cannot do with the right tools. TARGET has trained experts that can conduct assessments and find the appropriate technology to allow you to be productive at work.

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  12. How do I know if I have a qualified disability?
    The definition of disability in the USDA Reasonable Accommodations Guidelines is:

    Disability - With respect to an individual, means

    1. a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; or,
    2. a record of such an impairment, or;
    3. being regarded as having such an impairment.
      1. An example of "a record of such an impairment" includes having a history of, or having been misclassified as having, a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
      2. An example of "being regarded as having such an impairment" includes having an impairment that does not substantially limit a major life activity but is treated by USDA as constituting such limitation; having an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity only as a result of the attitudes of others toward such impairment; or, having none of the impairments described in this section, but being treated by USDA as having a substantially limiting impairment.

    In regard to Reasonable Accommodation, ONLY those employees or applicants who meet part (1) or (2) of the above definition for “Disability” shall be considered eligible for a reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodation is not considered for those individuals who "have a record of" or are "regarded as" having an impairment. Individuals with a relationship or association with a person with a disability are not entitled to receive reasonable accommodation. However, the protections provided by other aspects of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provide other protections for individuals who meet these other definitions.

    If you still are unsure or have questions regarding qualifications, consult your DEPM or Mission Area Designee for more clarification.

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  13. I have aches and pains at the end of the work day, and suspect it may be from how I'm using my computer. How can TARGET help?
    Contact the TARGET Center to arrange an ergonomic assessment of your workstation. TARGET staff will visit you at your workstation and discuss ergonomic principles and adjust your workstation to reduce your risk of repetitive strain injuries. Go through TARGET’s Being Comfortable at Work brochure to find out what changes you can make at your workstation. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF.

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