
people on government websites now

Visits Today

Eastern Time

Visits in the Past 90 Days

There were ... visits over the past 90 days.


Based on rough network segmentation data, we estimate that less than 5% of all traffic across all agencies comes from US federal government networks.

Much more detailed data is available in downloadable CSV and JSON. This includes data on combined browser and OS usage.


Internet Explorer

Operating Systems


Visitor Locations Right Now



United States & Territories


Top Pages

People on a single, specific page now. We only count pages with at least 10 people on the page. Download the full dataset.
Visits over the last week to domains, including traffic to all pages within that domain.
Visits over the last month to domains, including traffic to all pages within that domain. We only count pages with at least 1,000 visits in the last month. Download the full dataset.

Top Downloads

Total file downloads yesterday on government domains.

About this Site

These data provide a window into how people are interacting with the government online. The data come from a unified Google Analytics account for U.S. federal government agencies known as the Digital Analytics Program. This program helps government agencies understand how people find, access, and use government services online. The program does not track individuals, and anonymizes the IP addresses of visitors.

Not every government website is represented in these data. Currently, the Digital Analytics Program collects web traffic from around 400 executive branch government domains, across about 5,700 total websites, including every cabinet department. We continue to pursue and add more sites frequently; to add your site, email the Digital Analytics Program.

Download the data

You can download the data here. Available in JSON and CSV format.

Additionally, you can access data via our API project (currently in Beta).

A note on sampling

Due to varying Google Analytics API sampling thresholds and the sheer volume of data in this project, some non-realtime reports may be subject to sampling. The data are intended to represent trends and numbers may not be precise.