The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Experimental Facility Operation Group

The EFOG Group provides facility ESH oversight for all user experiment safety and day-to-day beamline activities. The EFOG Floor Coordinators are deployed around the experiment hall, providing shift coverage, and support to users and beamline operations personnel to help ensure their activities meet ESH standards.

A floor coordinator is always available on-site during the following hours (*during normal operations*):
• Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.
• Weekends: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Temporary door key cards are issued only during on-site hours.

Online Floor Coordinator Request

Pager 2-0101
Cell Phone : 630-863-0808
(alternate 630-863-0829)

Floor Coordinator Request ESAF Beamtime Reporting
Logs/Meeting Minutes
Configuration Control (RSS)
User Information
Useful Links
FC Shifts

